标准行车安全操作规则 1.遵守公司安全规程,遵守设备操作规程和生产工艺操作规程。(All safety rules of company, operating rules for equipment and production process are to be seriously complied with) 2.行车的操作,只应由下述持证人员进行,l 持有操作证的人员l 执行任务的检修人员非行车工作人员,未经安全部门认可,严禁操作。The following persons with authorized license shall be allowed to operate Demag cranes,l A qualified operator with driver licensel Maintenance workers undertaking crane repair.3.设备的性能完好,是安全操作的保障。行车投入使用前,必须根据德马格行车日检表进行点检。(It is the assurance to s