尾砂坝管理工岗位职责 1.负责好尾砂坝的全面管理维护,堆积和安全生产。 1. Be responsible for the total management, maintenance, stacking and work safety of the tailing dam. 2、管辖范围(从钢丝桥中心分界,经张舍里至尾砂坝(烂泥洞)止,包括尾砂、管道、尾砂分流管、初期坝、排水沟、排水涵门洞、排洪斜槽、周围山坡等。) 2. The administered scope ( is from the center of the steal wire bridge, through Zhangsheli to the tailing dam (slush cave), which includes tailings, pipeline, tailing divider, preliminary dam, drainage ditch, drainage clough, tilted floodway (chute), surroundin