【最新】Unit+7+P11 课件,Unit 7,How do you make a banana milk shake ?,【最新】Unit+7+P11 课件,Lets make it together!,Do you like milk shake?,【最新】Unit+7+P11 课件,What ingredients do we need?,yogurt,milk,banana,blender,【最新】Unit+7+P11 课件,Drink,Pour,peel,Cut up,Turn on,put,Lets do it!,【最新】Unit+7+P11 课件,Turn on,Cut up,drink,Pourinto the blender,Putinto the blender,peel,Three bananas,The bananas and ice cream,The milk,The milk shake,The banana,The blender,How to make a banana milk shake,【最新】Unit+7+P11 课件,first, next