超市收银管理程序的设计与实现1摘要和关键字1.1摘要该系统主要用于超市商品管理人员对于商品的信息(包括商品号、商品名、单价)进行输入、删除、修改和查询。除此之外,当销售人员输入商品号及销售数量时,系统应计算应收钱数,并根据实际收银计算找零数量。最后,系统能对销售情况进行查询。AbstractThe system is mainly used in the supermarket goods management personnel of the product information (including commodity number, name of goods, unit price) input, delete, modify, and query. In addition, when sales staff input article number and sales volume, the system should be calculated according to the actual amount receivable, and ca