Money Is Not Everything 金钱不是万能的Imagine you are Mr. Bill Gates. Life is great; youre one of the richest men on the earth. You can buy anything in life, right? Wrong. Before you ride on the jet of euphoria and focus your entire life on earning money, know there are simply things that a roll of hundred dollar bills cannot get for you, not even if you are Mr. Gates.想象一下假如你是世界富豪比尔盖茨先生。生活真是美妙极了,你是世界上最富有的人之一。你可以买到人生中的一切,对吗?大错特错了。在你兴奋得飘飘欲仙之前,在你倾注一生所挣的财富之前,你要知道有些简单的东西是大把的钞票所买不来的,即便你是盖茨短也买不到。I