EPS线条安装步骤:安装侧面图:第一步:将特制胶浆与特制水泥所调制的混合物按1.5:1之比例配合,搅拌均匀后称为特制粘贴胶浆(或使用高分子益胶泥)。The special mucilage and special cement mixture of the modulation by 1.5:1 the proportion coordination, stir called special paste mortar (or use the polymer cement) 第二步:清洁好安装基面,不可有任何杂质,在墙体预定上水泥钢钉(间距700mm左右)以防在安装过程中构架滑落。Clean good installed base, do not have any impurity, in wall scheduled on cement steel nail (spacing 700 mm or so) in case in the installation process frame slide.第三步:按实际需要的长度切割构建