,厉行节约 主题班会,丨勤丨俭丨节丨约丨浪丨费丨可丨耻,主讲教师:XXX,目录,CONTENTS,浪费粮食的现象 节约粮食的必要性 重要的指示精神 节约粮食从我做起,please enter the text you need here. thank you for using our ppt template.,please enter the text you need here. thank you for using our ppt template.,please enter the text you need here. thank you for using our ppt template.,please enter the text you need here. thank you for using our ppt template.,丨勤丨俭丨节丨约丨浪丨费丨可丨耻,PART ONE,第一部分,浪费粮食的现象,WASTE OF FOOD,浪费粮食的现象,城市餐饮业人均浪费量为96克/餐,浪费率为11.3%; 大型聚会浪费率达38%,城市餐饮,01,02,部分学校学