,The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field,商务规划PPT模板,汇报时间:202X年X月 汇报人:XXX,工作概述,Summary of work,完成情况,completion,不足之处,Deficiency in,目标计划,The target plan,03,04,01,02,工作概述,PART 01,本章节内容介绍文字 PPT中的节标题可以帮助观众更有效的阅读和理解报告内容 您可以在幻灯片母版中对本页样式进行修改,工作概述,Summary of work,工作概述,Summary of work,37%,54%,81%,Flattening of the concept of the core meaning is: remove redundancy, messiness and multifarious adornment effect. Flattenin