市政工程施工中地下管线保护的相关措施摘要:如何能有效地权衡利与弊,科学合理地完成市政管线的综合管理工作是市政管线设计工作人员和群众都十分关注和期待解决的问题。本文提出了市政工程施工中地下管线当前存在的主要问题,讨论了有效保护地下管线的措施,提出了自己的几点建议。关键词:市政工程;施工;地下管线;保护;措施abstract: how to effectively to weigh pros and cons, scientific, reasonable and complete municipal pipeline is the integrated management of municipal pipeline design staff and all the crowd was very concerned and looking forward to solve the problem. this paper puts forward the municipal engineering construction of underground pipeline the