荆轲刺秦王英语话剧剧本Roles: 太子丹;荆轲;谋士阿三;西门吹雪;旁白;变态男;秦始皇;卫兵甲、乙;美女; 道具:乒乓球拍,短棍,网球拍,垫子,樊於期人头演员表太子丹: 王成 谋士阿三:姜翔 荆轲: 姜展西门吹雪、变态男: 胡准旁白、秦始皇: 袁将 友情出演美女:黄函卫兵甲:秦建金卫兵乙:秦军旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do yo