1.3 THE PERIODIC LAW周期律 In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeleev (1834-1907) of Russia and Lothar Meyer (1830-1895) of Germany independently published their periodic arrangements of the elements. Both of these periodic arrangements were based on increasing atomic weights.译:1869年,俄罗斯的德米特里伊万诺维奇门捷列夫(1834年至1907年)和德国的洛萨迈耶(1830至1895年)独立地出版了他们对元素的定期安排。这两个周期的安排都是以原子量的增加为基础的。 At the time of Mendeleevs periodic table, about 63 elements were known. The brilliance and foresightedness of this w