顾客满意度调查表Questionnaire尊敬的业主/住户:Dear residents/owners: 感谢您一直以来对我们工作的支持与理解,为进一步改进和提高我们的服务质量,为您提供更加优质的服务,我们殷切的希望您对本公司及本公司的各项服务提出宝贵意见。请您于百忙之中填写此份问卷,提出宝贵意见,谢谢。First please allow us to say thanks to you for your long-time understanding and support. To improve our service quality, we hope you can spare us some time to fill out your feedback on our services below. Thank you.填写说明:Instructions:1、问卷采用选择题和填空题形式,请您在认为最合适的项目上打“”。Fill out the blanks and make the most appropriate choi