网络与信息安全第二次作业Assign 2 - InetSec 加密Assign 2 - InetSec CryptoSecret and Public Key Cryptography密钥和公钥的密码技术1. How many DES keys, on the average, encrypt a particular plaintext block to a particular ciphertext block? Kaufman 3.3 (10 points)一般来说,把一段详细的评述文字加密成一段加密文字,需要多少位DES 密码?答:DSE一般采用56位长度的Key,所以总共有256种可能,这个数字大约是7.2X10的16次方。2. Suppose the DES mangler function mapped every 32-bit value to zero, regardless of the value of its input. What function would DES then compute?Kaufman