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1、 - 2 (留学类) 1留学类居留许可资格面谈记录Qualification Interview for Residence Permit for Study注意: 此表为审批重要依据之一,申请人须如实填报并承担相关责任。使用黑色笔墨,工整填写。NOTE: This form is very important for your application. You shall complete it with BLACK ink truthfully and neatly and shall be responsible for the information you provide.I. 个人

2、信息 Personal Information姓名 full name 性别 sex 出生日期 date of birth出生地 place of birth国籍 nationality 护照 passport No. 护照签发地及有效期(of passport)place of issue_ & expiry date _ 签证种类visa type签证号码 visa No. 签证签发地(visa) issued at 签证有效期至(visa) valid until入境次数entry(s)最近一次入境口岸及时间 port & time of last entry _ &_ 入境后可停留天数

3、 permitted days of stay after entry婚姻状况 marital status single 单身 married 已婚 divorced 离异 widowed 鳏居 separated 分居 在深圳就读学校名称 Full name of your present institution of learning in Shenzhen: 上述学校地址及联系电话 Address and phone number of the above institution:本人在深圳住址及联系电话 Your address and phone number in Shenzhe

4、n and e-mail address: Add:Tel: E-mail:语种 languages语言能力language ability熟练程度proficiencyfluent OK fluent OK fluent OK II. 家庭信息 Family Information 姓 名 full name 性别sex出生日期birth date关系relationship国籍nationality职业occupation此外,如果有家庭成员随行,或者有直系亲属在华居住或工作,请提供他们的姓名、与本人关系、工作单位或住址。Besides, if you have any accompany

5、ing family members or immediate relatives in China, what is their status or address in China? - 2 (留学类) 2(Go to next 3 pages 后续三页) Policeperson in charge 经办民警签名:6. 列出你曾经就读的主要院校(高中以上)List all major educational institutions you have attended (senior high school and above). 院校名称institution 专业major在校时间

6、time(yymmyymm)学校地址(精确到市)location (specific to city)1. 你计划在该校学习多长时间?How long are you going to study at the said college/school?2. 说明你的求学性质,例如是否语言进修、本科教育、研究生教育,等等。Specify what kind of study you are going to pursue here, e.g. language training, undergraduate study, post-graduate study, etc.3. 此次学习结束后你有何打算或计划?What do you plan to do after you finish this study program? 4. 你将以何种方式解决就读期间的经济开支?How are you going to finance your study here?


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