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1、 计算机科学导论 课程教学大纲Course Outline课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码( Course Code) CS101*学时( Credit Hours) 48*学分(Credits) 3(中文)计算机科学导论*课程名称(Course Title) (英文)Introduction to Computer Science*课程性质(Course Type) 专业必修课授课对象(Target Audience) 致远学院一年级本科生(数学、物理、化学、生物专业)*授课语言(Language of Instruction)双语教学(授课:中文、板书与课件:部

2、分英文)*开课院系(School) 致远学院先修课程(Prerequisite) 无授课教师(Instructor) 高晓沨课程网址(Course Webpage) http:/ Description)本课程为图灵奖获得者 John Hopcroft 在 2012 年度于上海交通大学开设的计算机课程中的数学基础课程的后续课程,是为低年级非计算机专业学生开设的计算机公共基础类的课程,主要教授计算机科学的基础知识并介绍不同专业领域,包括伪代码、集合论、逻辑、图论、算法等,旨在拓宽眼界,培养学生计算机基础,引导学生获得广泛专业知识,了解不同学术领域的研究方法及主要思路,为日后的长远学习和发展奠定基

3、础。*课程简介( Description)This course is the follow-up course of Mathematic Basics in Computer Science Course, which is held by Turing Award winner John Hopcroft in 2012, and it is a basic course opened for freshman whose major is not in computer science. It mainly teaches the basic knowledge in computer

4、 science and introduces lots of researching fields, including pseudo code, set, logic, graph theory, algorithm, etc. It can help students broaden their horizon, develop concrete basis on computer science, understand the researching ways and thoughts in academic field, and is beneficial for students

5、research and future study.课程教学大纲(course syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)1掌握计算机科学基本数学知识,包括集合论、逻辑、图论的基本概念和重要定理,并具备灵活应用的能力。2了解计算机领域各个学科概况,包括操作系统、计算机组成、密码与安全、计算机网络、数据库的基本概念。3熟练掌握计算机常用办公与排版软件技能,包括 MS Office、Latex 等4简单学习 Matlab 基本使用。*教学内容、进度安排及要求(Class Schedule&Requirements)Week 教学内容 作业 课程报 告2 Fundamenta

6、lsSyllabus, Organization, Introduction to Computer Science Lab-013 Pseudo CodeProgramming Language, If, While, For, Case Lab-02FixGroup4 National Holiday.5 Set, Function, and Relation Grading Policy, Set, Function, Relation, etc. Lab-036 CardinalityDefinition, Halting problem, etc Lab-047 ProofProof

7、 by Construction/Contrapositive/Cases/Induction Lab-058 LogicPropositional logic, First Order Logic Lab-069 Data StructureLinear List, Stack, Queue, Array, etc. Lab-0710GraphGraph representation, Graph coloring, Graph isomorphism, etcLab-0811 PathEuler Path, Hamiltonian Path, Simple Graph Lab-0912 T

8、ree (1)Concepts, BFS, DFS, etc. Lab-1013 Tree (2)Spanning Tree, Kruskal, Prim, Huffman Tree, etc. Lab-1114 Algorithms (1)Greedy Algorithm, Dynamic Algorithm, Divide-and-Conquer Lab-1215 Algorithms (2)Heuristic Algorithm, Local Search, Optimization, etc. Lab-13Project Demo16 Final Exam*考核方式(Grading)

9、期中考试+期末考试 +平时作业 +小组项目*教材或参考资料(Textbooks & Other Materials)本课程以课堂 PPT 和笔记为主,辅以如下参考书目: 离散数学:Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (6th Edition), Kenneth H. Rosen, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007. 集合论:Elements of Set Theory, Herbert B. Enderton, ACADEMIC PRESS, 1977 逻辑:数理逻辑与集合论 ,石纯一,清华大学出版社,2000 图论:图论与代数结构戴一奇等,清华大学出版社,2000 算法:Algorithm, Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, Springer NY, 2006.其它(More)备注( Notes)备注说明:1带*内容为必填项。2课程简介字数为 300-500 字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。


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