空乘面试英语问题及答案无论是到中国还是国外的航空公司应聘,公司都要求空中小姐不仅有高挑的身材和甜美的长相,而且要具备优雅的气质,会讲一口流利的英语。口试内容主要分为中英文面试、中英广播词、航空状况题、时事题、个人问题等。每一家公司会有不同的考试流程,初复试的难易度也不同,要多方面收集资料,知己知彼,再配合临场应变能力、机智反应、适宜的装扮、优雅的谈吐及亲和力,这样面试才能得高分。1、 Can you work under pressure?or Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?Yes, I can! Because when I was in college, I served as the vice minister of the sports department. And there are a lot of activities which are held by the sports department. So I have accustomed to working under strong press