再谈两部制电价与变压器经济运行作者:谭树森 等来源:价值工程2012年第30期摘要: 降损节能一直是电力系统的中心工作。本文通过两部制的组成,按最大需量计算基本电费时对变压器经济运行进行分析,再通过投入回报分析,论证两部制电价不仅有利于变压器的经济运行而且促进节能减排工作的开展。Abstract: Lower loss and energy saving has been the key project of the power supply system. The basic tariff is calculated at maximized demand by the two partial price system in this article. Then we find out that the two partial price system not only benefit the economic operation of the transformer, but also promote energy-saving an