一、初中经典英语小故事:99 Cents Store编者按:在日常的英语学习生活中,相信大家都会看过很多的英语故事。今天小编分享了一篇关于99美分商店英语小故事,来看看不到1美元能买到什么东西吧!逛超市,可能是孩子们最期待的家庭活动之一。Neil也去逛超市了,看看他有什么收获呢?99 Cents Store( 99美分商店)Once a week, Neil went grocery shopping.每周,尼尔都会去杂货店买一次东西。He always made a list, but he always forgot to put one or more items on the list.他总会列个清单,但他总是忘了在清单上记上一个或是更多的东西。This used to anger him, but now he just accepted it.他常常因此生气,但现在他接受了。Youre not as sharp as you used to be, he told himself.