【最新】九年级英语上册 Unit1 The Olympics lesson3 Are You an Athlete课 件 冀教版 课件 Who is he/she? 王义夫 男子 10米气手枪 Mens Shooting 10m Air Pistol 冼东妹 柔道 Judo 张怡宁、王楠 乒乓球女双 Womens Table Tennis Doubles 【最新】九年级英语上册 Unit1 The Olympics lesson3 Are You an Athlete课 件 冀教版 课件 Follow me Olympic Events Volley ballDiving tennis weightlifting 【最新】九年级英语上册 Unit1 The Olympics lesson3 Are You an Athlete课 件 冀教版 课件 rowboat gymnastics cycling hurdles 【最新】九年级英语上册 Unit1 The Olympics lesson3 Are You an Athlete课 件 冀教版 课件 Words & expression