翻译下列短语。 1.使 失望 2.开除 3.而不是 4.齐心协力 5.在肩上 6.停止做某事 7.敲门 8.与 交流 9.向 学习 10.继续做某事 letdown kicksb.off ratherthan pulltogether ononesshoulder stopdoing knockonthedoor communicatewith learnfrom continuetodo winning/losingacompetition gettinggood/badgradesonanexam performingsomethingwell/badlyinfrontofabiggroupofpeople gettingintoafightwithyourbestfriend yourfirsttripoutsideyourhometown Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to