春晓 孟浩然Spring Morning春眠不觉晓,This spring morning in bed Im lying,处处闻啼鸟。Not to awake till birds are crying.夜来风雨声,After one night of wind and showers,花落知多少。How many are the fallen flowers?2春夜喜雨 杜甫Happy Rain on a Spring Night好雨知时节,Good rain knows its time right;当春乃发生。It will fall when comes spring.随风潜入夜With wind it steals in night;润物细无声。Mute, it wets everything.野径云俱黑,Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads;江船火独明。In boat a lantern looms.晓看红湿处Dawn sees saturated reds;花重锦官城。The towns heav