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1、1飞机采购合同TECNAM AIRCRAFT PURCHASE CONTRACT合同号: Contract No.: 201403T2014年 3 月 26 日 山东Mar 26th, 2014 Shandong 目 录合同条款CLAUSE定义Definition合同目的Subject of the contract产品描述Product description原产地和制造商Place of origin and manufacturer适航取证Airworthiness certificate合同价格Contract price付款Terms of payment工厂检验和接收Factory

2、 inspection and acceptance包装和运输Packing and shipping重新组装Reassembly交货期、最终接收和产权转移Lead time, final acceptance and title transfer文件和出版物Documents and publications飞机的外部喷漆、内饰、计量单位及标牌标识2Painting, interior, measurement units and marks of the airplane培训Training售后服务After sale service产品质量Product quality担保Warrant

3、y索赔Claim产品更改Product changes履约保函Performance guarantee bond知识产权Intellectual property保密Confidentiality不可抗力Force majeure延迟交付Delay in delivery税金Taxes仲裁Arbitration适用法律Applicable law合同转让Assignment合同终止Termination合同生效Effective 3其它Miscellaneous通知Communication附件Enclosures合同总价分解及设备清单Breakdown of the contract pr

4、ice, configuration and optional equipment list文件和出版物清单Documents and publications list培训计划和大纲Training program and syllabus制造商担保手册Manufacturer Warranty Book本合同(以下简称“合同”)于 2014年 3 月 26 日由以下各方在*省签署:This CONTRACT (herein after referred to as “CONTRACT”) has been signed as of this date Mar 26 , 2014 in Sh

5、andong by each party as follows:(以下简称“买方”);和hereby after referred to as “BUYER”). And*飞机销售有限公司遵照中华人民共和国法律设立并营业,总部位于*省*市区(以下简称“卖方”);和* helicopter marketing Company is an agency established and operated under the Laws of the Peoples Republic of China and having its head office at * Air base ,*g provin

6、ce , China. (herein after referred to as “SELLER”) , And经友好协商,各方同意如下:Through friendly negotiation, the parties agree as follows:定义CLAUSE 1 DEFINITIONS除非在本合同中另有规定,下列术语在本合同中分别具有如下含义:Unless otherwise specified in the CONTRACT, the following terms has the specified meanings.“各方”指买方、卖方和进口代理的统称;“Parties”

7、means, BUYER, SELLER and IMPORT AGENT collectively;“双方”指买方和卖方的合称;“Both parties” means BUYER and SELLER collectively;“产品”指本合同第 3章所述各项内容的统称;“Product” means all items listed in Clause 3 of CONTRACT;4飞机”指本合同中所购、按附件 2中定义构型及附件 3中定义的选装设备所交付的飞机;Aircraft means the aircraft purchased under the CONTRACT and de

8、livered with the configuration specified in Enclosure 2 and optional equipment specified in Enclosure 3;“EASA”指欧盟航空安全管理委员会“EASA” means European Aviation Safety Agency;“CAAC”指中国民用航空局;“CAAC” means Civil Aviation Administration of China.“工作日”指除周末和任何中国大陆、香港、意大利、法国、德国、美国等法定假日之外的银行工作日;“Working day” means

9、any bank working day other than weekends and other public holidays in China Mainland, Hong Kong or in Italy.“工厂接收”指双方按本合同第 8章的规定,在工厂检验和测试合格之后,在制造商工厂完成的对工厂接收证书的签署;“Factory Acceptance” means the signing of the Factory Acceptance Certificate by both parties after successful completion of the factory in

10、spection and test activity at Manufacturers factory in accordance with provisions of Clause 8 of the CONTRACT;“最终接收”指双方按本合同第 11.2章的规定,在最终检验和测试合格之后,在买方运营基地完成的对最终接收证书的签署;“Final Acceptance” means the signing of the Final Acceptance Certificate by both Parties after successful completion of the final in

11、spection and test activity at BUYERs operation base in accordance with provisions of Clause 11.2 of the CONTRACT.“合同总价”指在第 6章中所规定的价格;“Total CONTRACT price” means the price specified in Clause 6.“服务”指本合同范围内卖方、制造商或其授权代表向买方所提供的所有服务,包括但不限于拆卸、包装、运输、保险、培训、重新组装,现场支援、售后支持以及其所有为合同执行所做的安排、协调等工作;“Service” mean

12、s all the service provided to the BUYER by the SELLER, Manufacturer or their authorized representatives, including but not limited to disassembly, packing, shipping, insurance, training, reassembly, site support, after sale service and all arrangement and coordination made for the performance of the

13、 CONTRACT.合同目的CLAUSE 2 SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT根据本合同条款,卖方将向买方销售和交付本合同所定义的产品;买方将向卖方购买该产品,支付货款并接收其产权。BUYER shall act as the authorized user of the aircraft and executing this CONTRACT on behalf of the BUYER5进口代理将作为买方的代理帮助买方完成合同的执行工作。IMPORT AGENT shall act as the agent of the BUYER and shall assist the

14、BUYER and BUYER with the execution of the CONTRACT.产品描述CLAUSE 3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION在本合同范围之内,“产品”具有以下含义:Product under the CONTRACT has the following meanings:标准构型 P92JS 飞机和选装设备,如附件 1所述;P92JS aircraft standard configuration and optional equipment are as described in Enclosure 1;卖方提供的文件和出版物,如附件 2所述;Doc

15、uments and publications provided by the SELLER as described in Enclosure 5;卖方向买方提供的服务。Services provided by the SELLER to the BUYER.原产地和制造商CLAUSE 4 PLACE OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER原产地:Capua,意大利Place of origin: Capua, Italy.制造商:Tecnam 航空技术有限公司 Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam srl适航取证CLAUSE 5 CERTIFICAT

16、ION本合同项下飞机应已取得由 EASA和 CAAC颁发的型号合格证;The Aircraft under this CONRACT has obtained the Type Certificate issued by EASA and VTC issued by CAAC;本合同项下飞机将在制造商工厂,在 EASA/CAA颁发的生产许可证下进行生产;The Aircraft Helicopter under this CONTRACT to be produced in Manufacturers facilities will be manufactured under EASA/CAA

17、 Production Certificate;飞机交付时应有由 EASA /CAA 适航当局颁发的出口适航证正本一份;The Aircraft shall be delivered with an original copy of Export Certificate of Airworthiness issued by EASA/CAA;在发运时,所有已经民用取证的备件和选装设备均应具有由制造商质量控制部门(为 EASA授权)所签署的适航标签/适航证;All spare parts and optional equipment already civil certified will be

18、 accompanied by the appropriate airworthiness tags/certificates signed by the Manufacturers Quality Control authorized by EASA 合同价格CLAUSE 6 CONTRACT PRICE本合同以美元计价,合同总价为拾贰万壹仟柒佰貳拾貳欧元伍拾分(121,722.50 美元整)Tecnam意大利 Capua工厂交付,是确定和固定的价格,见附件 1;本价格条款遵循国际贸易术语解释通则 2000的规定。6The price is expressed in dollars unde

19、r the CONTRACT. Total CONTRACT price is 121,722.50 dollars, Say One Hundred Twenty One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Two and Fifty Cents dollars, Ex work Tecnam Capua, Italy which is a firm and fixed price, as per Enclosure 1. This price clause follows the provisions ofINCOTERMS 2000.付款CLAUSE 7 TERM

20、S OF PAYMENT本合同所有货款以欧元支付。The payment under the CONTRACT shall be made in Euro as follows:定金的支付DOWN PAYMENT本合同签署后,在卖方提交形式发票后叁(3)个工作日内,买方以直接刷卡方式向卖方支付合同总价的 30%,即叁万陆仟壹佰肆拾捌美元整(36,516.60 美元),该笔付款将被视为本合同的定金款;After signing of the CONTRACT, a sum of Thirty Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixteen and Sixty dollars,

21、(dollars 36,516.60)corresponding to Thirty percent (30%) of Total CONTRACT Price shall be paid by the BUYER through direct bank transfer to the bank designated by the SELLER as the down payment of the CONTRACT, within three (3) working days upon presentation of Proforma invoice by the SELLER;7.2 产品发

22、运前,卖方将书面通知买方,买方在收到卖方出具的商业发票,标明合同号、发票号、合同总价和本次付款应付金额后叁(3)个工作日内支付尾款,既合同总价的 70% 金额为捌万肆仟叁佰肆拾伍美元(美元 85,205.90整)到卖方指定的帐号,支付方式为电付。 When the product is ready for delivery the seller shall notify the buyer. A sum of Eighty Five Thousand Two Hundred Five and Ninety Cents Euro (Euro 85,205.90)corresponding to

23、Seventy percent (70%) of total CONTRACT price shall be paid by the BUYER through direct bank transfer to the bank designated by the SELLER as the final payment of the CONTRACT, within three (3) working days upon presentation of invoice with contract number, total contract price and payment amount by

24、 the SELLER.与前述付款有关的银行费用,在中国发生的由买方支付,在中国以外发生的由卖方支付。All banking charges occurred in P. R. China will be borne by the BUYER and those occurred out of P. R. China will be borne by the SELLER. 第八章、工厂检验和接收CLAUSE 8 FACTORY INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE产品的工厂检验和工厂验收在制造商工厂进行,卖方可以选择到制造商工厂验收, 在买方要求下,卖方应及时发送邀请信,以便买

25、方办理护照、签证等有关手续;The factory inspection and Factory Acceptance shall be conducted at the Manufacturers facility. The buyer has the option to be present during final inspection and acceptance. If so required by the BUYER, the SELLER shall send invitations in time so that the BUYER can proceed with such

26、formalities as passport and visa application;工厂验收FACTORY INSPECTION AND FACTORY ACCEPTANCE7在飞机生产结束并做好工厂检验和工厂接收准备后,买方可派遣代表赴制造商工厂进行工厂检验和工厂接收,工厂检验和工厂接收时间不超过 2天。在此期间,卖方应确保工厂检验和工厂接收工作无间断的进行。When the Aircraft has been produced and ready for factory inspection and Factory Acceptance the BUYER shall dispatc

27、h representative(s) to the Manufacturers factory for factory inspection and Factory Acceptance. The duration shall not exceed two (2) days. During this stage, the SELLER shall ensure the factory inspection and Factory Acceptance activities conducted continuously买方的工厂检验和工厂接收内容包括但不限于:目视检查、发动机孔探检查、通电、通

28、液压、地面试车和试飞检查,其中试飞检查根据制造商的试飞大纲进行。试飞过程中,买方飞行员有权作为副驾驶参加试飞。 所有选装设备必须已经安装调试完毕,处于良好工作状态。The said factory inspection and Factory Acceptance include but not limited to: visual check, bore scope inspection of engine, electrical system set up, hydraulics check, ground run and test flight. The flight test shal

29、l be conducted according the Test Flight Program provided by the Manufacturer. During test flight, the BUYERs pilot has right to participate the test as copilot. All the optional equipment shall be tested and functioned. 8.3对于在签署工厂接收证书之前发现的、由双方认定为微小差异的,双方将共同制订纠正计划,并不引起工厂接收证书签署的推迟;Should minor discre

30、pancies, to be agreed between both parties, arise prior to the signing of the Factory Acceptance Certificate; both parties will jointly establish a rectification schedule without delaying the signing of the Factory Acceptance Certificate;在检验结束之后,双方将依卖方的格式签署工厂接收证书。该证书一经签署,除正常损耗外,飞机的技术状态即被确定,直至交付买方;Af

31、ter the successful completion of the factory inspection and test activity, both parties shall sign the the Technical Acceptance Certificate。 Upon signing the certificate, the technical status of the aircraft is fixed except for normal wear and tear until delivery to the BUYER;第九章 包装和运输CLAUSE 9 PACKI

32、NG AND SHIPPING运输条款TERMS OF SHIPMENT买方的进口代理负责办理中国海关的清关手续,进口海关税费由买方承担;The BUYERs IMPORT AGENT shall be responsible for China Custom clearance and the Import Custom Duties shall be borne by the BUYER.除非双方另有协议,本合同范围内所有产品均应同批装运、使用同一份货运单;Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, the Product shall be shipp

33、ed all together and under the same Bill of Lading;卖方应提前 7天以电子邮件或传真方式通知买方及进口代理预计发运的日期,并提供形式发票和装箱单; 如有木制包装,卖方需提供熏蒸处理证明,以示包装已经经过正确处理。The SELLER shall notify the BUYER and the IMPORT AGENT by email or fax seven (7) days in advance the tentative shipping to the BUYER and the IMPORT AGENT date and plus th

34、e Pro-forma invoice and the packing list. For all wooden packages, the seller shall provide certificate of heat treated to certify proper treatment has 8been done.买方、进出口代理应在收到卖方通知后 2个工作日内安排货代联系飞机生产厂并按指定时间到卖方生产厂提货。The buyer shall arrange shipping company to contact and arrange for the shipment from t

35、he aircraft manufacturers facility within 2 working days after receiving notification from the seller.9.2 运输保险TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE对于本合同范围内的所有产品,产品交付后的保险应由买方负责并承担。The buyer shall be responsible for all the product insurance against all risks.9.3飞机的拆卸和包装DISASSEMBLY OF THE AIRCRAFT AND PACKING卖方飞机生

36、产厂应按最佳商业惯例将飞机分解、封存以便装运。包装应适于长途集装箱海运和陆运,并采取特别保护措施以防撞击和野蛮装卸。由于不充分或不适当包装所造成的任何损失及由此发生的费用应由卖方承担。The aircraft manufacturer shall disassemble and preserve the Aircraft to facilitate the shipment by using best business practice. The package shall be suitable for long distance ocean transportation by CONTAI

37、NER and land transportation and shall be impact and rough handling resistant. Any losses and costs occurred from inadequate or improper packing shall be borne by the SELLER.9.4在产品运抵买方运营基地天津后,买方提供通用工具和支持设备(包括叉车、吊车等)并负责卸车及将产品安全摆放到地面。双方将共同对产品进行外观和数量的检查,并对检查结果进行记录。After arriving at the BUYERs operation

38、base at Tian Jian ,the BUYER shall be responsible to unload the Product safely and prepare logistic support, i.e. crane, forklift, etc. Both parties shall be present and inspect the appearance and count the quantity of parts of the Product and keep the record.CLAUSE 10 REASSEMBLY重新组装、地面测试和试飞REASSEMB

39、LY, GROUND RUN AND TEST FLIGHT飞机运抵买方运营基地后,将由卖方指导按照飞机生产厂的组装说明重新组装和调试,恢复飞机的适航状态。买方将对此指派必要的人员和提供必要通用工具。用于调试及试飞的燃油、滑油、场地及后勤保障由买方提供; 买方将支付给卖方壹万叁仟元人民币(RMB13,000)作为劳务,交通和食宿等费用。买方将准备好必要的设备并联系好民航局有关组装认可和试飞的特许飞行证;所需时间为一天。如因买方原因造成时间拖延,则买方需承担所发生的费用。Upon arrival of the Aircraft at BUYERs operation base, the SELL

40、ER shall supervise the reassembly of the Aircraft per the Manufacturers Assembly Instructions. The BUYER shall provide necessary personnel and tools. The BUYER shall supply fuel, oil, operation facility for the assembly and the test flight; The buyer will pay RMB Thirteen Thousand (RMB13,000)for the

41、 labor, transportation and accommodation. The buyer will prepare necessary equipment and apply for necessary permits from CAAC for assembly and test fly.卖方应自备必要的专用工具和设备,以便在买方运营基地进行飞机的重新组装和调试。9The SELLER shall provide special tools and equipment at the BUYERs operation base to complete the assembly a

42、nd test flight. 在飞机发运后,卖方应向买方提交推荐的使用滑油、冷却液和燃油的标准牌号。After the shipment of the Aircraft, the SELLER shall provide the standard brands and specification of lubricating oil, cooling fluid and fuel to the BUYER。10.2 最终检验和测试FINAL INSPECTION AND TEST最终检验和测试将依照事先由卖方提供的程序(飞机生产厂的组装程序及说明)由双方共同进行。如在上述验收过程中发现任何缺

43、陷,卖方应尽可能的最快速度自费予以更正。The final inspection and test shall be jointly conducted by both parties in accordance with the procedure as per the Manufacturers Assembly Procedure. In case of any defects found during the inspection, the SELLER shall, at its own cost, make corrections promptly.10.3 在上述第 10.1和

44、10.2节的过程中,买方将购买该飞机保险,包括飞机本身,地面测试和试飞中风险、买方机上人员伤害风险、以及第三方责任险。During the procedures as per Clause 10.1 and 10.2, the buyer shall provide insurance coverage the airplane, and against the risks of the ground run and test flight of the airplane, personal injury risks of the on board BUYERs personnel as we

45、ll as the third party liability insurance. 第十一章、交货期、最终接收和产权转移CLAUSE 11 LEAD TIME, FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND TITLE TRANSFER 产品的交货期LEAD TIME OF THE PRODUCT产品的交货期自本合同生效之日起,至在飞机生产厂交付止,不迟于 2015年 1 月 31 日。The lead time of Product shall be calculated from the date of CONTRACT enter into force to the date of del

46、ivery no later than January 31, 2015最终接收和产权转移FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND TITLE TRANSFER飞机在生产厂完成最终检验和试飞合格后; 买方支付尾款;卖方制造厂开具飞机产权转移证书;买方运输代理到卖方制造工厂提货之日,卖方对产品 的产权转交买方。作为飞机产权转移的证明,卖方应向买方递交飞机产权转移证书。自产权转移之日起,第 17章所规定保修条款将开始生效。Upon successful completion of the final acceptance and test flight at the manufacturers F

47、acility; after receiving final payment of CONTRACT price, the title of the Product shall be transferred to the BUYER from the SELLER. As an attestation of such title transfer, Seller shall furnish the Buyer with Bill of Sale for the aircraft. Upon the title transfer, the warranty policy set forth in

48、 Clause 17 comes into effect.第十二章、文件和出版物CLAUSE 12 DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS在飞机交付之时,卖方应同时提供附件 2所列的文件和出版物; The SELLER shall provide documents and publications as per Enclosure 2 to the 10BUYER upon delivery of the aircraft.所有文件和出版物及其改版均应以英文书就,内容完整、清晰、正确,与本合同所购产品保持一致性;All documents and publications an

49、d its revised versions shall be made in English with complete, clear and accurate contents and should be consistent with the purchased product under the CONTRACT;卖方所有文件和出版物的免费改版升级服务为飞机交付后的 2年。其它供应商设备的文件更新或改版,卖方一经收到立即转发给买方。在飞机的服役期内,卖方均需保证买方免费获得所有飞机和发动机服务通报和服务信函;For the documents and publications of the aircraft, the SELLER sha


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