基于供应链全程控制的库存管理模式JMI 摘要:本文从分析供应链全程库存控制管理特点出发,探讨了利用JMI这种新型运作模式,展开供应链全程库存管理,提高供应链同步化程度的策略。 关键词:JMI;供应链;库存管理 中图分类号:F274文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-3100(2007)01-0113-03 Abstract: Based on the analysis of characteristics of the whole-course inventory management model of supply chain, the paper focuses on the discussion about the management of whole-course controlled supply chain and the strategy of how to upgrade the synchronization of supply chain by utilizing JMI, a new model of oper