敬启者:我们对贵公司的XL/3滤水器很感兴趣。如果我们订30台这款滤水器,费用怎么算呢?贵方是否能提供折扣?如果可以,请贵方说明详细的折扣率。另外,该款产品的保质期为多长时间?您收到我们订单后多久可以发货?盼早日回复呈上!原文8Dear sir:Thank you for inquiring about our XL/3 water purifier. The answers to yourquestions are as follows:1.The cost per unit(if your ordered 30 units) would be HK$2,500.2.The guarantee is for one year from the date of purchase.3.We could deliver within 10 days upon receipt of your order.4.Unfortunately, we can not give a