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1、 雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 六年级英语下册 Module8-9 练习六、找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将其编号写在括号里。( )1.A.born B.world C.warm( )2.A.cup B.use C.duck( )3.A.sad B.any C.head( )4.A.about B.could C.would( )5.A.child B.chair C.school七、情景交际。A)根据情景,选择最佳选项。( )1.你想告诉别人,你生于 2001 年,你应说:A.I was born in 2001.B.You were born in 2001.C.I came here

2、 in 2001.( )2.你想说 Daming 是我们的模范,你应说:A.We copy Daming.B.Daming is a model for us.C.Daming is a model for himself.( )3.你想告诉老师 Amy 昨天没有来学校,你应说:A.Amy didnt went to school yesterday.B.Amy dont went to school yesterday.C.Amy didnt go to school yesterday.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 ( )4.别人敲门,你应有礼貌地说:A.No one here.B.

3、Come in, please.C.Get out!( )5.你想询问别人在哪里出生,你应问:A.Whats your name?B.When were you born?C.Where were you born?B)补全对话,根据上下文选择正确的句子。John:1. Chen Jie:Im going to go to the country.John:2. Chen Jie:Because its my grandpas birthday.John:3. Chen Jie:He is 70 years old.John:4. Chen Jie:Im going on Saturday a

4、fternoon.John:Are you going by bus?Chen Jie:No, 5. John:Have a nice weekend.Chen Jie:Thanks.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 八、根据汉语和句子意思,写出形式正确的单词或短语。1.The (孩子) are singing.2.Ann (画) a picture last Sunday.3.Amy learns five (字母).4.John went (到处) the world.5.I make lots of (错误) with English.6.Why have you got cups o

5、n your (头)?7.I didnt say “cups”, I (说) “caps”.8.Whats the (事情)?9.Why is he (著名的)?10.Helen learned to (阅读).九、按要求改写句子。1.mistakes, its, make, English, easy, to, with(.)2.She played baseball yesterday.(改为否定句)She baseball yesterday.3.He bought an interesting book.(改为一般疑问句)he an interesting book?4.Braille

6、 became bline in 1812.(就划线部分提问)Braille bline?5.Im wearing a dress because Im going to the theatre.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 (就划线部分提问)wearing a dress?十、阅读理解。A)选词填空,将其字母编号写在横线上。A.him B.tall C.star D.born E.becameYao Ming is a basketball 1. . He was 2. on December 12, 1980 in China. He is 2.26m 3. . When he wa

7、s 18 years old, he 4. a member of China Basketball Team. In 2000, he joined the National Basketball Team. In 2002, he want to the United States and he became the most valuable player(最有价值的球员) in NBA. Many people like 5. .B)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi, my name is Ann. I speak English very well, but I sometime

8、s make mistakes. Yesterday we went on a school visit to a farm. I was happy. I said we could sail a ship. Everyone looked surprised and I didnt know why.My teacher said, “Ann, were going to go to a farm, not to a lake. And there are no ships at the farm.”( )1.Ann speaks English very well.( )2.Ann of

9、ten makes mistakes in speaking English.雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 ( )3.Yesterday Ann went on a school visit to a zoo.( )4.There are no ships at the farm.( )5.We saw s ship at the lake yesterday.C)阅读短文,选择正确答案。Who is the woman in the picture? Do you know about her? Let me tell you. Her name is Zhang Haidi. She

10、 was born in 1955. She is from Jinan. When she was 5 years old, she was ill. Then she couldnt walk. She wanted to go to school like other children. But she was badly ill. She was in bed all day. She couldnt go to school any more. So she learned everything at home by herself. Zhang Haidi wanted to he

11、lp people. She learned to be a doctor. She helped more than ten thousand people. Zhang Haidi was also good at Chinese. She liked reading. Then she tried to write books. Many people read her books and knew her. She is famous in the world. She is a model for everyone.( )1.Whats her name?A.Tai Lihua.B.

12、Helen Keller.C.Zhang Haidi.( )2.Where is she from? She is from .雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 A.ShanghaiB.JinanC.Jilin( )3.When was she born? She was born in .A.1950B.1955C.I dont know.( )4.What did she learn to do?A.She learned to be a doctor.B.She learned everything at school.C.Both A and B.( )5.What happened to her as a small girl?A.She was deaf.B.She couldnt walk.C.I dont know.


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