-/徽州黟县明清时期民居建筑调研报告指导教师 张小岗王吟珊 13124536上海大学美术学院建筑系13级,上海 200444【摘 要】安徽黟县地处安徽南部,房舍栉比,黟县境内至今仍保留有大量明清时期建造的古民居,黟县古民居构筑精美、形状考究、美观实用;本文依据古建筑测绘过程中所考察徽州民居德善堂,简要分析徽州民居内部空间、材料、色彩、构件等方面特点。【关键词】 徽州民居 内部空间 材料 色彩 装饰风格Research On Houses In Yixian Of Huizhou In Ming And Qing Dynasty【Abstract】Yixian lies in the south of Anhui province, there are several hundreds of ancient villages in Yixian. There territory still retain a large number of houses which were built during the Ming and Qing dynast