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1、第 1 页 共 7 页Unit 4 Sharing练(一) 英语知识运用 组块专练 练准度(限时:30 分钟).完形填空One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored. _1_ feeling sorry for myself, I wanted to meet people and have new _2_ so I decided to start volunteering. I found a website where I could volunteer on a farm in France.Volunteerin

2、g _3_ so many opportunities to have fun and share _4_ stories. It was the first time for me to work on a farm. It was almost a(n) _5_ holiday as food and accommodation were provided. It was not one _6_holiday, however, as I had to _7_ fifteen horses and sheep! I soon discovered that I was a(n) _8_ f

3、armer but it did not matter because I made some great friends and also improved my _9_.However, you do not _10_ go abroad to volunteer. I have had plenty of adventures at home as volunteering can become a _11_. For example, I love _12_ so I had a good laugh waving my arms in order to _13_ my local c

4、hoir (合唱团). At university, I organized a concert for charity with my friends. It was really _14_ to find bands and raise money for a cause.It is true that you feel good volunteering but there are also other _15_. I once volunteered as a steward (干事) at a charity sports event where the organizers _16

5、_ gave me cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me for my _17_. I also volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to _18_ my wardrobe.While this is all fun, my favourite aspect of volunteering is _19_ and sharing stories. My terrible _20_ at farming has given me

6、 funny stories to tell!语篇 解 读 :本 文 是 一 篇 记 叙 文 ,讲 述 了 作 者 从 事 志 愿 工 作 的 经 历 以 及 志 愿 工 作 的 优 点 。1A.Apart from BDue toCInstead of DBut for解析:选 C 下文提到作者决定做志愿工作,故这里应是“我想见到更多人并有新的经历,而不是自怨自艾” 。Instead of“而不是,取代” ,符合 语 境。2A.experiences BdiscoveriesCopportunities Dchanges解析:选 A 参见上题解析。 experience 意为“经历” ,符合

7、语境。3A.recommends BdemandsCoffers Dseizes解析:选 C 此处指“志愿工作提供很多能让人玩得愉快并分享精彩的故事的机会 ”。offer“提供 ”,符合语境。4A.popular Bfantastic第 2 页 共 7 页Cfamiliar Dimportant解析:选 B 参见上题解析。fantastic 意为“美妙的,精彩的” ,符合语境。5A.impressive BfreeCcheap Dspecial解析:选 B 根据下文的“as food and accommodation were provided”可知,农场提供食物和住宿,故此处表示它几乎是一

8、个 “免费的(free)”假期。6A.unique BregularCtypical Dconvenient解析:选 C 根据上文的“work on a farm”及下文的“as I had to _7_fifteen horses and sheep” 可知, 这不是一个“ 典型的(typical)”假期,因为作者在农场工作,而且必须照顾十五匹马和羊。7A.attend to Bresearch intoChunt for Dcommunicate with解析:选 A 参见上题解析。 attend to sb./sth.意为“照顾某人/某物” 。8A.skillful BsuitableC

9、hardworking Dawful解析:选 D 根据下文的“but”及最后一段中的“My terrible _20_at farming”可知,此处指:不久我就发现我是一个“糟糕的(awful)”农民。 9A.English BFrenchCRussian DChinese解析:选 B 根据第一段中的“on a farm in France”可知,作者在法国的农场从事志愿工作,所以应是提高“法语(French)” 。10A.normally BbasicallyCnaturally Dnecessarily解析:选 D 根据下文的“I have had plenty of adventure

10、s at home .”可知,作者在国内有许多冒险经历,故可推知“你不一定要去国外从事志愿工作” 。necessarily 意为“必要地” ,not necessarily“不一定” 。11A.hobby BtrendCjob Dreality解析:选 A 下文提到的志愿工作显然是作者的爱好,关键词“love”就是暗示,故用hobby。12A.dancing BwritingCsinging Dperforming解析:选 C 根据下文的“my local choir (合唱团)”和“I organized a concert for charity . 第 3 页 共 7 页”可知,作者喜

11、欢“唱歌(singing)” 。13A.greet BcontrolCorganize Dconduct解析:选 D 根据上文的“I had a good laugh waving my arms . ”及后面的“my local choir (合唱团)”可推知,此处指挥动胳膊来“指挥(conduct)”当地的合唱团。14A.powerful BhopefulCmeaningful Dsuccessful解析:选 C 找乐队并为慈善事业筹钱真的很有意义。meaningful 意为“有意义的” ,符合语境。15A.adventures BadvantagesCfactors Dachieveme

12、nts解析:选 B 根据下文的“gave me cupcakes .”“so I found loads of nice cheap clothes”可知,这里说的是:你确实能感受到志愿工作的好 处,但是它还有其他的“优点(advantages)” 。16A.generously BcautiouslyCequally Dproudly解析:选 A 根据下文的“. cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me .”可知组织者很大方地给作者很贵的纸杯蛋糕。 generously 意为“慷慨地,大方地” ,符合语境。17A.service

13、s BpatienceCdetermination Dchoices解析:选 A 根据上文的“I once volunteered as a steward (干事) at a charity sports event . ”可知,组织者给作者纸 杯蛋糕是为了感谢作者的“ 服务(services)” ,故选 A 项。18A.decorate BreplaceCbeautify Dupdate解析:选 D 根据上下文可知,作者在慈善商店找到许多漂亮、便宜的衣服来更新自己的衣橱。故选 D 项。19A.creating BimaginingCchoosing Dcompleting解析:选 A 此处

14、指:但对于志愿工作,我最喜 欢的方面是 “创造(creating) ”并分享故事。20A.offence BshameCattempt Dannoyance解析:选 C 结合语境和文章的情感基调可知,这里应是说作者在农场的尝试让作者有了可以分享的有趣的故事。attempt 意为“努力,尝试” ,符合语境。第 4 页 共 7 页.语法填空(2017河南天一大联考)I was visiting the Cape Verde Islands with some friends. Although it was a _1_ (wind) day, the water was clear and my

15、friends were out on the reef. Going out to snorkel (潜泳), I _2_ (notice) that an ocean current had spread to the bay, pushing me towards rocks _3_ (cover) in sea urchins (海胆). Since I wasnt close to the shore, _4_ would have been a tiring exercise to swim against it, so, using the current, I made it

16、back to shore in about an hour._5_ (lie) on the beach and out of breath, I heard a voice. A man, _6_ was one of the guys I had just met, was getting pushed past the rocks and would be quickly carried out to sea. No one else was close, _7_ I jumped into the water. Keeping a mark on all of the submerg

17、ed rocks and sand bars (沙洲 ), I swam out to him.“Get hold of my arm and when you reach a sand bar, grip it with your feet, ” I said over the roar of the waves.With one hand, I held onto the man, and with _8_ other, I was using all of my remaining _9_ (strong) to reach the sand bars. Again, I used th

18、e current to get across the bay, towards the shallows. _10_ (final), we crawled up the sand and lay there watching the sun.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._5_ 6._ 7._ 8._9_ 10._语 篇 解 读 :本 文 介 绍 了 作 者 去 佛 得 角 群 岛 旅 游 时 在 海 上 潜 泳 时 救 人 的 故 事 。1windy 设空处前为冠词后为名词,由此可判断 设空处应为 形容词。 wind 的形容词形式是 windy。2noticed 根据上下文可知设空处应该用一

19、般过去时。3covered 被修饰词 rocks 与 cover 之间为被动关系且表示完成,故用过去分词作定语。4it it 在句中作形式主语,to swim against it 作真正的主语。5Lying 句子主语 I 与 lie 为逻辑上的主动关系,且此 处 表示伴随,故用 现在分词作状语。6who 先行词为 A man,关系 词在定语从句中作主语且指 “人” ,故用 who 引导。7so 句意:附近没有其他人,因此我跳进水里。前后两句为因果关系,故用 so 连接。8the 根据前面的 one hand 可知设空处应为 the。the other 表示两者中的另一个。9strength

20、设空处前面是形容词,故填名词形式 strength(力气)。10Finally 句意:最后,我们爬到了沙滩上,躺在那里看着太阳。finally“最后” 。练(二) 第卷强化增分 组块专练 练规范(限时:45 分钟)第 5 页 共 7 页.语法填空(2017西宁三校联考)Two little children were sitting by the fire one cold winters night. Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. “Who can it be?” they wondered. One ran _1_ (curious)

21、to open it. There, outside in the cold and the darkness, stood a child _2_ no shoes on his feet and dressed in old thin garments. He was trembling with cold, _3_ he asked to come in and warm himself.“Yes, come, ” cried both the children. They drew the little stranger to their warm seat, _4_ (share)

22、their supper with him, and gave him their bed, and they slept on a hard bench.On the night, they _5_ (awake) by sweet music, _6_ was played by a band of children in shining garments. Suddenly the strange child stood in front of _7_: no longer cold and ragged, but dressed in silvery light. He said, “

23、I am the Christ Child, _8_ (wander) through the world to bring peace and _9_ (happy) to good children as you. As you have helped me so much, this tree will give rich fruit to you every year.”When he was saying that, he broke _10_ branch from the tree that grew near the door, planted it in the ground

24、 and disappeared. But the branch grew into a great tree, and every year it bore wonderful golden fruit for the kind children.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._5_ 6._ 7._ 8._9_ 10._语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。 讲述了两个孩子在一个寒冷的夜晚帮助了一个陌生的同龄人,最后他们的善举得到了美好的回 报的故事。1curiously 根据句意“其中一个孩子好奇地跑过去开门”可知,空格处修饰动词ran,故应 填所给词 的副词形式 curiously。2with 分析题

25、干及句子结 构可知,本 题考查的是 with 的复合结构,即“with宾语宾补” 。故空格处填 with,表示 “他的脚上没穿鞋” 。3so/and 句意:他冷得发抖,( 所以)请求能进屋暖和一下。分析句子结构及空格前后句子的句意可知,此处需要并列 连词连接两个独立的句子。故空格处填 so/and。4shared 空格后的“and gave”是解题关键,由此可知, “drew”“gave”和空格处是并列的谓语动词,表示一系列先后发 生的动作。故空格 处填 shared。5were awoken 根据句意及空格后的“by sweet music”可知,需用动词 awake 的被动语态, 结合语境

26、可知,要用过去时态。又因为主语是 they,故空格处填 were awoken。6which 结合语境可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,故使用关系代词 which 作引 导词,指代先行词 sweet music。故空格处填 which。7them 句意:突然 间那个陌生的孩子站在他们面前根据句意及空格前的 of 可知,第 6 页 共 7 页题干考查人称代词的宾格形式。故空格 处填 them。8wandering 分析句子结构可知,非 谓语动词在句中作伴随状 语,且与其逻辑主语“I”之间为主动关系,应用其现在分 词形式。故空格 处填 wandering。9happiness 分析

27、句子结构及空格前“peace and”可知,空格处与 peace 为并列关系,应用 happy 的名词 形式。故空格 处填 happiness。10a branch 在此处意为“ 树枝,枝 ”,是可数名词;根据句意可知,此处泛指“一根树枝” ,应用不定冠词。故空格处填 a。.短文改错Union is strength. Whenever youre faced with difficulties or in a dilemma, cooperation plays an important part in getting you out of trouble. There was a time

28、 when I was too proud that I overlooked my classmate, refusing to work together with them. Therefore, it was no doubt that I was left alone, suffering from loneliness and failure. Unfortunately, a teacher impressed on me the value of cooperation. From then on, I learned to help others and turn to my

29、 friends for the help whenever I had difficulty finish a task on my own. Surely cooperation made a great difference. Now I am getting well with my friends.My experience has teach me that only if we attach great importance with cooperation can we go beyond ourselves. As the saying go, “United we stan

30、d; divided we fall.”答案:第三句:tooso; classmateclassmates第四句:itthere第五句:Unfortunately Fortunately第六句:去掉 the; finishfinishing第八句:getting 后加 on 或 along第九句:teachtaught; with to第十句:gogoes.书面表达据报道,在我国仍有很多山区的孩子因为家庭贫穷而上不起学,你们班就如何帮助这些孩子上学进行了讨论。假如你是李华,请你把你们的建议写成一封信寄给 English Weekly,希望他们能够呼吁更多的人参与这项活动。建议要点:1收集旧课本

31、和衣服;2呼吁更多人帮助他们;3你的建议,至少一条。要求:1100 词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第 7 页 共 7 页Dear Editor,Im a senior high school student. Well really appreciate it if you can, through the English Weekly, increase public awareness of the poor childrens living conditions and call on more people to help them.Your

32、s sincerely,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Editor, Im a senior high school student. Its reported that in China many children in mountainous areas still cant go to school because of poverty. Last week, our class held a discussion about how to help them to go to school and live a happy childhood. Here are our sugges

33、tions. First, some old textbooks and clothes can be collected and sent to those children so that they can be reused by them. Second, its also very important to appeal to more people and social organizations to help and care for those poor children. As far as Im concerned, we should save some of our

34、pocket money and give it to those children in need. Above all, we should give them respect, never looking down upon them because they are poor.Well really appreciate it if you can, through the English Weekly, increase public awareness of the poor childrens living conditions and call on more people to help them. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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