数控车床的电气设计摘 要为实现数控车床的自动化,根据FANUC 0i Mate-DB数控系统的电气控制特点和数控车床的电气控制要求, 运用FANUC PLC的使用和编程技术来完成冷却、润滑、刀架、主轴的PLC控制程序设计。其设计思路和方法可为其他机电一体化产品控制系统设计提供借鉴。关键词:可编程控制器;FANUC;电气控制To achieve automation of CNC lathes, according to CNC FANUC 0i Mate-DB electric control system for electrical characteristics and control requirements of CNC lathe, using FANUC PLC programming techniques to the use and completion of cooling, lubrication, tool holder, spindle design of PLC control program . The design id