文印室规章制度Rules and Regulations of Printing Room 说明 Notes 1. 文印室位于一号楼311室,分机是832。The printing room is at room 311 in building one. The extension number is 832. 2. 如发现打印机无法运行,请联系(IT)魏旭兵维修,报修电话:13061868903,如无法维修或需等待较长时间,可前往1号楼一楼教师办公区域打印。If the printer doesnt run, please contact (IT) Wei Xubin, cell phone number: 13061868903. If it cannot be repaired or repairing need a long time, you can print in the teaching office area on the first floor of building one. 3. 如果需要30份以上的文件拷贝时,才需要油印(请