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1、深圳国际能源大厦建筑设计国际竞赛 交流回复3rd Q&A for International Energy Tower Design Competition根据近日与多家设计机构的交流,对有关问题集中回复如下:1、关于成果文件:About submissions:考虑到匿名参赛是国际上重要竞赛的普遍惯例,为保证国际竞赛的公正性,各设计机构提交的成果文件必须按要求进行标记遮盖密封,所有的成果文件须中英文对照。Considering sealed-bid is a common convention of international competition, in order to ensure

2、the fairness, all submissions must be marked and sealed as required. All submitted documents would be in both Chinese and English.(1( 图册均需严格按招标文件补充资料要求进行处理;除 A3 文本图册正本有签章和盖章以外,其它 A3 文本图册副本、A0 展板、模型及 CD 光盘中均不能出现任何设计机构的名称、标识等可识别物,否则视为废标。不安排设计单位讲解,汇报演示文件以 CD/DVD 光盘提交,形式不作限定,设计机构可自行选择。考虑到评委组成,演示文件建议为英文配

3、音和中文字幕。Design explanation and drawings must in strict accordance with the supplement documents. Except for the original copy of A3 design explanation and drawings should contain signatures and stamps as required, other copies of design explanation and drawings, A0 display boards, models and CD shoul

4、d not contain any names of design organization and marks. Otherwise the submissions will become invalid. There will not be personal presentations, but free-formed e-files of presentations submitted in DVD or CD. Considering the consist of jury, English audio with Chinese subtitle is highly recommend

5、ed.(2( 成果文件提交地址变更为:深圳市红荔西路规划大厦 209 会议室(518034)、联系人:李姿璇:0086-139-2377-7718姚 巧:0086-135-9031-5036Submission address changed to: R209, Planning Bureau Building, Hong Li Xi Road, Fu Tian District. 518034 Contact: Michelle :0086-139-2377-7718 Ms. Yao Qiao :0086-135-9031-5036(3( 模型比例变更为 1:300The scale of

6、model changed to: 1:300特别提示:Tips:(1) 设计单位提交成果前务必请仔细检查,避免因成果文件未按要求遮盖密封而出现废标。Please examine your submissions very carefully before you submit, to avoid your submissions INVALID because of not being sealed as required.(2) 汇报演示文件应着重表达设计师的设计理念,不要过于追求画面的效果,宜将注意力放在设计本身。Content of presentation files should

7、focus on the design concept of the designer and design itself, instead of on the visual effect.2、关于塔楼布置形式:About the layout of the towers:规划要点已明确要求建设 2 栋塔楼且南低北高,对 2 栋塔楼之间能否设置连廊未作限定。In the Plan Focus, it is clearly required that two towers in different height: lower in south and higher in north, but t

8、here is no restrictions on whether build a corridor between two towers.3、关于建筑高度:About the height of the towers:用地规划许可证要求虽限高为 250 米,但考虑到深圳市中心区整体规划的要求,建议北塔约 180200 米、南塔约 80100 米。The height limit on the license of land planning is 250 meters, however, considering the urban plan of the CBD area, we sugg

9、est 180-200 meters for the north tower, and 80-100 meters for the south tower.4、关于停车位:About parking lot:停车位 1000 个不作强制性规定,可根据设计需求、造价等适当减少,但建议在800 以上。可考虑部分车位用停车库形式。考虑部分停车位预留充电设施。1,000 parking spaces will not strictly required. It can be reduced in accordance with the design and costs, but more than 8

10、00 are suggested. Some parking spaces can be built in the form of garages. Part of parking spaces for charging instruments should be considered.5、关于工程造价:About engineering cost:要求设计方案建安成本不能超过招标文件规定的 10 亿元人民币。造价中除包含招标文件要求的环境、土建、机电设备和外立面及内部公共空间装饰等外,还应包含以下内容:As required in the bidding document, the engi

11、neering cost should be less than 1 billion RMB, which includes environment, civil engineering, electromechanical devices, the decoration of external walls and internal office space as well as the followings:(1) 、所有办公用房(包括展示厅、物业管理用房)按交楼标准装修好,即网络地板做好、内墙面粉刷好、天花做好吊顶。All the offices (including exhibition

12、 hall, property management room) should be decored in accordance with the standards of consignment: finishing the network floor, internal wall painting and ceiling making.(2) 、商业服务区、食堂、职工活动场所按交楼标准装修好,即地面做好、内墙面粉刷好、天花做好吊顶。Commercial area, canteen and staff activity place should be done: finishing the

13、floor, internal wall painting and ceiling making.(3) 、公共会议中心按能交付使用标准装饰和安装设备。The public conference center should be decored and equipped as required.6、问:地铁 1 号线会展中心的地下通道的位置、通道所在的深度和通道的坡度能否在提供的地形图上注明?设计预留与地铁站在地下的便捷联系,能否提供有关资料?Q: Is it possible that you mark the position of Hui Zhan Zhong Xin station o

14、f No.1 Metro Line in underground space, the depth of the tunnel and its slope on the map? Could you also provide information on reserved underground passage that easily connects to the Metro Line?答:请设计单位自行考虑,本次设计范围仅考虑在北侧与地铁站连接通道的预留口。A: This will not be provided. Please just consider the connection w

15、ith the access of the metro in north in the design.7、问:与北侧卓越皇岗世纪中心二层步行系统的衔接:设计预留与北侧项目二层步行系统的衔接,但从搜集的资料发现卓越建筑群预留天桥的平面位置已超出用地东侧界限,能否明确?Q: The connection with the second-floor pedestrian system of Excellence Huang Gang Century Center in the north: the connection should be designed with the second floor

16、 pedestrian system, but seen from the collected materials, the preserved space for the foot bridge has exceeded the boundary in the east, please clarify.答:请设计单位考虑在东北侧与卓越皇岗世纪中心二层步行系统的连接。A: Please consider the connection with the second floor pedestrian system of Excellence Huang Gang Century Center i

17、n the northeast.8、问:房间进深有无特殊要求?Q: Are there any special requirements on the depth of rooms?答:无,可根据每层建筑面积及采光效果综合考虑。A: No. It can be considered in accordance with the building area on each floor and its lighting.9、问:总部办公几层可否采用中庭?Q: Can atrium be set in the headquarter office levels? 答:不作限定。A: Not rest

18、ricted.10、问:空间控制图中基地东侧车行入口的两个箭头的位置是仅为示意还是明确要求设在图示所在位置?北侧人行出入口的位置是仅为示意还是明确要求设在图示所在位置?设在此处是否正好对应与福华五路的人行横道线的位置?Q: In the space controlling drawings, are the positions of two arrows in the east car paths just a hint or a requirement? In the north pedestrian path, is the position just a hint or a requir

19、ement to set it as marked on the drawings? Should this position be just correspondent to the pedestrian crosswalk of Fu Hua Wu Road?答:车行入口和人行入口箭头位置仅作为示意。具体位置由设计单位根据市政道路规划及相关要求设置。A: The arrows are just hints. Please set the paths in accordance with the requirements of related urban plan regulations.11、问:交标截至时间更改为8月11日下午17点(以收到的北京时间为准)。评审时间暂定8月20日The submission deadline is changed to before 5:00 p.m. on August 11 (measured by the time submissions received), and the appraisal is preliminarily decide to hold on August 20.


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