人教版七年级下册短文改错(二)以下短文均有错误,每处错误只限于一个单词的增加 , 删减 用词错误 。多余词用/划掉;如该处缺少一词请用漏词符号,并在其下面写出该词 ;如该处错词,请在其下面划一横线然后写出正确的词。Unit8 Is there a post office near here ?2b There is a zoo on my neighborhood .I like spend time there on weekend . I love watch the monkeys climb around .The monkey sometime fight .They look as my friends or me when we fight .(8处)I live near a supermarket . My parent usually shop there . There is big park cross from the supermarket .I often exercises at the park because I love the