新能源汽车综述摘要:我国政府将新能源汽车列入 “十二 ”五国家发展计划以来 ,对有关新能源汽车技术、市场发展、消费者购买意愿等相关研究越来越多,本文通过对新能源汽车的相关研究进行综述,希望能为相关学者的进一步研究有所启示和帮助。关键词:新能源汽车;购买意愿;消费者购买行为;文献综述Abstract:Since the China government includes new energy automobile into its “12th Five-Year Plan, there are more and more researches for the new energy automo-bile on the topics of technology, market development, consumers purchasing intention etc. The paper makes a literature review for the relative researches did on the new energy automobile,w