旅游翻译中归化与异化探讨摘 要翻译中关于归化与异化的争论由来已久, 其实它们并不是互相排斥的对抗体,而是一对相辅相成的翻译策略和方法。本文分析讨论了归化与异化对立统一的辩证关系,探讨了对外旅游翻译中,归化与异化的动态选择依据,探索了旅游文化的翻译策略。 关键词旅游翻译;归化;异化;文本类型;文化类比; Abstract: The foreignisation and domestication translation have been arguing in translation for a long time, but they are not the antagonism which mutually repels. they are translation strategy and method that can supplement mutually, and complements each other in tourism translation practice. These papers has analyzed their re