Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)无人驾驶飞机Anunmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), commonly known as adrone, is anaircraftwithout a humanpilotonboard. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under theremote controlof a navigator, orpilot(in military UAVs called aCombat Systems Officeron UCAVs) on the ground or in another vehicle.无人驾驶飞机,俗称无人机,即无需驾驶员在机内驾驶的飞机。其飞行时接受的并不是机内电脑的自动控制,也不是导航员的远程控制,更不是来自地面或另一飞机上无人作战机指挥官的控制.There are a wide variety of drone shapes