BEC中级《Business English》课件.pptx

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1、Business English,Introduction Unit,Objectives: Upon completion of the unit, you should be aware of:the general information of Business Englishthe general information of the BEC Certificate and BEC Examthe content of the textbookPass Cambridge BEC Vantage,Introduction to Business English,What is Busi

2、ness English?What is involved in Business English ?Why should we learn Business English?How can we learn Business English well?,What is Business English?,Business English a language used in business situations, which is one of the branches of English for special purpose (ESP)a mix of :specific conte

3、nt (relating to a particular job area or industry) and general content (relating to general ability to communicate more effectively in business situations ),What is involved in Business English?,English languageBusiness communication skillsBusiness vocabulary (jargon)Cultures,How can we learn Busine

4、ss English well?,be quite fluent in basic English Acquire new meanings in business contexts obtain related knowledgepractise,Introduction to BEC and BEC Exam,BEC and BEC ExamLevels of BEC Content of BEC Exam,BEC and BEC Exam,BEC: Business English Certificateexamination of English proficiency designe

5、d to meet the requirements in the workplaceoffers an internationally recognized qualification in English for business purposesIssued by The University of Cambridge Examinations Syndicate,BEC Certificate,Why do people take BEC Certificate ?opens the door to better career prospects and a better future

6、 paves the way to higher education overseas,levels of BEC Exam,BEC Vantage,PASS Cambridge BEC Vantage Listening Speaking Reading Writingpublished by Economic and Science press,Listening,A wide variety of listening material covers 3 tasks (40 minutes): gap-filling or note completion matching multiple

7、 choice,Input And Tasks In Listening,Input 3 short telephone conversations (p14)2 sets of 5 short monologues (p14)A long conversation or monologue (3-4 minutes) (p48),Task Gap-filling (words and numbers) Match monologues with topics/places etc. Multiple-choice comprehension questions,Reading,Authent

8、ic, semi-authentic and examination-style texts test the ability to read for gist and specific information.Four parts in the reading of BEC exam and related tasks (1 hour),Reading Part One,Four topic-related texts (A-D) or one long text and seven statements below the texts.Match each of the seven sta

9、tements with the relevant text. Test ability to read for gist and specific information.Example: p85,Part Two,A 450-550 word text with 5 sentences missing from it and 7 or 9 optional sentences below it.Insert 5 sentences from the 7 or 9 options into the text. Test candidates ability to understand coh

10、esion and coherence above sentence level. Example:P97,Part Three,Candidates read a 450-550 word text and answer six multiple choices and sentence stem completion. This tests the students ability to read for gist and specific information.Example:p125,Part Four,Candidates read 200-300 word text to cho

11、ose the correct word from a set of four options to fill each gap in the text.The task for students is to answer single multiple-choice questions. Example on p126,Speaking (14 mins. per pair),Sample questions of short talks,What is important when? Selecting applicants for a jobWorking experiencePerso

12、nal qualitiesWhat is important when? Choosing a new supplierPrices and discountsReputation,Sample question of collaborative task,Your company is attending a trade fair in a foreign country for the first time. You have been asked to help with the preparations for the trip.Discuss the situation togeth

13、er, and decide:What travel and accommodation arrangements you will need to make before the trip?Which kinds of business customers in the foreign country would be useful to know about, and how could one find about theses before the trip.,Writing Test (45 minutes),Samples of written tasks,Introduction

14、 to the textbook,ContentsIntroductionCore units Self-study Exam practice and Exam focus Activity sheets Typescripts Essential vocabulary Essential functionsAnswer key,Requirements,Try to do practices asked positively in class, please.Please finish the tasks assigned to you on time. Please inform me

15、when you cant come to my lectures and tell me the reason for your absence.,Summary,Business EnglishBEC and BEC ExamContents of the textbookRequirements,Assignment,The exercises on p3 &4.,Unit 1 a,Teamwork,Teaching objectives,Upon completion of the unit, you should be able to: talk about teams and te

16、amworkpractice reading for gist and specific informationmake and change arrangements,Assessing teams,Discussion:Do you prefer working on your own or as a member of a team?Do you think it is necessary to have a team leader if you work in a team?What makes a good team?,Team and teamwork,Team: a group

17、of people who work, act, or play togetherTeamwork:Cooperative work done by a team (especially when it is effective)Cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal.,What makes a good team?,be cooperativework towards common objectivesexchange viewsshare the same valueshar

18、e informationcreative thinkingdifferent point of view emphasize team spirit,齐心协力朝着共同的目标努力交流看法具有相同的价值观共享信息创新思维不同的观点 强调团队精神,Reading tasks,Task 1(p8): Read the article and answer the questions: What did Cussons do?What benefits did this bring?Task 2Using the information in the article, complete each se

19、ntence with a phrase from the list.,Cussons brought in three expatriate managers to work with the local sales staff in project teams,a consultant, who organized two one-week courses, working on team-building and developing creative thinking.,What did Cussons do?,What benefit did this bring?,Financia

20、l benefits:reporting savings of 200, 000 from the first course and expected savings of 700, 000 from the second. Invisible benefits:allowed the participants to measure progress against targets set on the course and have made people excited about their jobs,D,C,B,F,Detailed study of words and phrases

21、 in the article,Poles apart:be widely separated; have nothing in common. Poles:Poland. 本文题目利用了双关语,指卡森公司与其新收购的波兰分公司原先在团队合作、公司管理等方面大相径庭,而通过培训、调整等一系列措施,双方弥合了这方面的差距。题目的字面意思是“不再有两极之遥”,可意译为“弥合差距”。,Uroda SA: SA comes from French Socie te Anonyme, also S/A or S.A. take on responsibility 4. bring in 5. work

22、on/at sth.6. come up with (an ideas, plan, proposal, solution7.electric8.describe sb./sth. as,股份有限公司承担责任/工作接纳,使某人就职致力于,从事于想出激动的,刺激的描述、表达想法,10. throw/cast new light on11.put on (discos, a play, a concert)12. return business returns annual returns small profits and quick returns14.turnoverthe amount o

23、f Business transacted during a given period of time,提供线索、情况,帮助弄清楚表演、上演赢利,利益,汇报,报告营业收入年度报告薄力多销营业额,成交量,新闻语篇结构简介,新闻语篇一般由标题(headline)、导语(lead)和正文(body)三个部分组成。标题:标题常常以独特、新奇的表达方式和显要的位置展示在读者面前,以达到引人注目的效果。作者常利用比喻、双关、押韵、仿拟等修辞手段,使标题的语言简洁精练、发人深省。导语:导语一般指新闻报道开端的第一个大自然段,大多跟在标题下面。导语是新闻的精髓,它一般围绕新闻报道中的基本要素(即由who, w

24、hat, when, where, why, how等引出的问题)用极其精练的语言把时间的过程和真相一语道破。,正文:是新闻报道的主题部分,它由所要报道的事实组成,向读者提供事实真相和详细情况。正文中的信息排序可采用不同的方法,常用的有:(1)以事实的重要性为排列依据:最重要的信息放在开头,次要信息在后,对事件细节逐一补充。(2)按事实发生的时间顺序排列。(3)混合排列法:用概括性的导语说明事件的概貌,然后按时间顺序逐一陈述事实。启示:熟悉新闻语篇的谋篇特点有利于阅读过程中的信息处理,一般只要阅读了标题和导语,就能了解一则新闻的梗概,阅读时对语篇要传达的主要信息就心中有数了。一旦抓住了语篇的宏

25、观信息。,BEC Exam focus,Reading Test Part Three a 450-550-word text and sentences stem completion. This tests candidates understanding of specific information.Tips: read the questions first for the relevant information. Then read the relevant passages for detail. This will help you select the correct op

26、tion. Grammatically, all options will fit, so concentrate on selecting an item with the correct meeting.,Arranging a course,Read the fax and answer the questions.,Languages for making arrangements,Summary,Talk about teamwork Reading: how to understand specific information in an article;words and pha

27、ses in the article.Speaking: languages for making arrangements,Assignment,1. Words and phrases about teamwork.2. Work in pairs. Student A looks at the activity sheet on p145. Student B looks at the activity sheet on p150. Use the languages for making arrangements on p10.,Unit 1 b,Communication,Teach

28、ing Objectives,Upon completion of the unit, you should be able to:take and leave telephone messagesraise awareness of clarity in spoken languagepractice reading and listening for gist and specific information,Warm-up questions,Types of communication used at work?The advantages and disadvantages?,Wor

29、ds or expressions for reference,snail-mailtime-consumingsave time/troubleraise the efficiency in your workin written formrefer to it at any time you like,传统的信件省时省时间,不麻烦提高工作效率以书面的形式你随时可拿来参考,Reading task,Read the article on English for international business for gist and choose the most appropriate he

30、ading for each paragraph:Communicating internationallyOver-estimating the fluency of non-native speakersKeeping your English simpleUnderstanding cultural differencesRaising cultural awareness,Detailed study,Is your English too English?Ask a andover-estimateculture-specificLimit themselves to,你的英语是否太

31、地道?If you ask,you will,Over is a prefix, with ns forming ns, vs, adjs and advs. It means too much.-specific used in a compound,含“特有的”、“限定的”之义“to” is a prep,Discussion,What difficulties do you have when communicating with native speakers?Fast speedLocal accentIdiomatic languageSlang expressionsDiffer

32、ences in cultural background,Leaving voice mails,Listening 1(p13) Frida Anderson, a manager at Sandelin AB in Stockholm, receive five voice mails. Listen and decide what each speaker is trying to do.1. B 2. G 3. C 4. H 5. E,BEC exam focus,Listening test part two In Section 1, candidates listen to fi

33、ve short pieces in order to identify the topic of each piece from the list. In Section 2, candidates listen to another five short pieces in order to identify the function of each piece. Both sections test candidates ability for gist. Incorrect options are included in the recording. Candidates should

34、 not make final decision until they have heard each piece twice.,Tips for leaving answering machine messages,Prepare the listener for the messageMake requests simple and politeGive clear contact information,Taking messages,Listen and write in the missing information in the form on p15.Trade fair 2.

35、s 126 25 3. 3Tuesday 23/ 23 November(Kati) Gersel 6. the/your message7. Cancelled 8. not available 9. 27 November 10.confirm,BEC Exam focus,Listening test part Onecandidates listen to three conversations and complete each of the gaps in the gapped text with one or two words. Each text has four gaps.

36、 This tests candidates ability to listen for specific information. Candidates have 15 seconds to read through each form before listening. The questions follow the order of the recording. Distractions may be included in the recording in order to mislead unwary candidates.,Typical phrases in telephone

37、 conversations,Offering help Can I help you? Can I take a message?Asking for information Could I ask whos calling, please? Could you give me your fax number, please?Checking information Could you spell that, please? So, thats 27 November.Promising action Ill give her the message as soon as shes back

38、. Ill ask her to call you as soon as possible.,Assignment,Use the activity sheet on p 145 and p150 to give and take telephone messages. Role-play your conversation to the rest of the class. Do self-study on p15-16.,Unit 2a,Entertaining a client,Teaching objectives,Upon completion of the unit you sho

39、uld be able to: Raise awareness of and practise techniques for encouraging conversationPractise speaking about general topics in preparation for the Speaking Test,Choosing a restaurant,Read the customer satisfaction form of Signet House Restaurants (西格奈连锁酒店)and decide on the three most important cri

40、teria for you and give reasons for your choice(p19).,Words and expressions for reference,What makes my dining experience stand out is enjoy the attractive and relaxing atmosphere have a feeling of friendliness and comfort,使我的用餐感受与众不同的是享受充满魅力、令人放松的情调享受到友好的服务态度和舒适程度,The classical interior design serve

41、s as a visual feast high-quality service catering to different tastes good quality of the foods and beverages value for money,典雅的内部装修就向是一种视觉美餐高质量的服务 满足不同口味的要求 高质量的食物和饮料物有所值的服务,Reading,Would Porters be a suitable restaurant in these situations?,an end-of-year office party or an end-of-week meal produ

42、ct launch a negotiation or an evening with a new client,Detailed study of the advertisement,objective at reasonable price be popular with alike pride oneself on/upon to be of importance to cater for call in,目标,宗旨at high/low price, at popular price 受欢迎 ,招人喜爱的 adv. 一样地,相似地 为感到骄傲 to be of use , to be o

43、f a grey color 提供餐饮服务,接待 顺路到某处, 同call by,Making conversation,Listening Five people talk about their business trips. Listen and decide which of the questions each speaker answers. Match each of the five pieces with one of the questions (A-H).,,D,B,H,F,A,Encouraging conversations,Showing int

44、erest/ surpriseAsking follow-up questionsUsing the speakers words in a follow-up question,Exercise,Work in pairs. Develop these statements into conversations. Try to use the techniques and expressions for encouraging conversations.,Unit 2b,Corporate Hospitality,Teaching objectives,Upon completion of

45、 the unit, you should be able totalk about corporate hospitality raise awareness of formal versus informal language in lettersreview language for making and dealing with invitationspractice writing a letter of acceptance,Mixing business with pleasure,Speaking Read the profiles of the business people

46、 and match each profile with a way of entertaining them from the list. Give their reason.,Words and expressions for talking about the topic,a fact-finding mission enables the businessmen to understand the companybe fit his social status facilitate one-to-one conversation,实地考察使商人们能了解公司适合他的社会身份有利于一对一交

47、流,take it as a chance to strengthen business tieshave the right atmosphere to talk about the businesscan concentrate on the work without distractiona chance to know the other person better,把此作为加强业务关系的机会有适当的谈论商务的环境可以不受干扰地把注意力集中在工作上有进一步了解对方的机会,Reading Read the text and match each numbered paragraph wi

48、th a title from the list first; then read in details to complete the sentence stems 1. C 2.G 3.F 4.D 1. F 2.C 3.E 4. B,Detailed study of words,contactprospectstand around/ stand abouthaving free drinks on the companyadd up to lie in whisper in his ear,熟人,有业务关系的人,可能有利用价值的人 可能的/潜在的顾客、 委托人或购买者 闲站着 on 指“由谁来支付费用”意味着,说明 (原因、答案、兴趣)在于在某人耳边低声说话,Arranging a company visit,Mr Fillini, a Purchasing Manager of Cuore Sportive, has received an invitation from Angela Goddard of Trackplus Ltd. Read the letter and answer the question: What is the invitation for?,


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