桥梁工程施工质量通病与防治摘要:桥梁工程在施工中或使用中经常出现系列通病,其不仅影响了桥梁的使用功能,且会导致质量安全事故而对人们生命财产带来损害,文章从高填土下沉、钻孔灌注桩、桥头跳车、伸缩缝等角度论述了桥梁工程常见质量通病及其防治措施。关键词:桥梁;钻孔桩;桥头跳车;伸缩缝Abstract: during the construction of bridge engineering or use often appears in series common failing, its not only affects the use function of the bridge, and will lead to the quality and safety of lives and property of the people and accident harm, this article from the GaoTianTu sinking, bored piles, the bridge jumps off, is adjustable seam discu