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1、高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 “华安、连城、永安、漳平一中、龙海二中、泉港一中”四地六校联考2015-2016 学年上学期第一次月考高二英语试题(考试时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分)命题人:连城一中 林碧琴 审题人:连城一中 吴芳燕第卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回

2、答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What do they mainly talk about?A. The rain. B. The jacket C. The weather.2. What can we know from the talk?A. The woman is on vacation now.B. The woman is a little worried.C. The woman is not eager to find a job.3. What did the woman do just after high school?A. She played i

3、n a band.B. She started a new company.C. She worked as a saleswoman.4. How much will the woman lend the man?A. 6 dollars. B. 7 dollars. C. 4 dollars.5. What does the man offer to do?A. Call her a taxi. B. Telephone Lisa. C. Ride his car.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)请听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题

4、中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. Whats wrong with the womans bike?A. The wheels are loose. B. The brake is loose. C. The chain is loose.7. Where does the conversation most probably take place?高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江

5、、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 A. In a post office. B. In the street. C. In a garage.请听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8. What will the two speakers have in a Chinese restaurant?A. Breakfast. B. Brunch. C. Lunch.9. What is the weather like that day?A. Cold. B. Cool. C. Warm.请听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。1

6、0. What do the speakers mainly talk about?A. Movie culture. B. Tonights plan. C. Literary works.11. What are the speakers going to see?A. Blue Horizons. B. The Red and Black. C. Gone with the Wind.12. What does the woman say about Sophia Bellini and Richard Evans?A. They are smart. B. They are an ex

7、cellent pair. C. They are old but wonderful actors.请听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Why are the two speakers upset?A. It may snow during their vacation.B. They may not be able to take their vacation.C. They may fail to join the graduation ceremony.14. What can we learn about their vacation?A. They are go

8、ing skiing.B. They have made bookings for their plane.C. Their flight has been cancelled.15. What made them miss so many classes?A. The earthquake. B. The bad winter. C. A terrible flu.16. What are they going to do right now?A. Talk to Professor Hampton. B. Speak to all of the other people. C. Call

9、the travel agency.请听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. On which day can students of the reading club get together?A. On Wednesday. B. On Saturday. C. On Thursday.18. How many clubs are mentioned in the text?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.19. How long will the bike riding last at least?A. One hour. B. Two hours.

10、C. Three hours.20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?A. The school clubs. B. The school history. C. The school website.高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 32 分)第一节(共 11 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 22 分)阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A How words came into be

11、ing is unknown. All we assume is that some early men invented certain sounds, in one way or another, to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could talk with each other. Later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be put together to show those sounds,

12、and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, are called words.The power of words, then, lies in their associationsthe things they bring up to our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words bring

13、 back to us the happy and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which have powerful effects on our minds and feelings.

14、This clever use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can express his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them c

15、orrectly, or they will make our speech silly and common.21. We learn from the text that language might have begun with _.A. actions B. expressions C. sounds D. signs22. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?A. The learning of new words. B. The importance of old words.C. The gradual change and deve

16、lopment of words. D. The relation of human experience with words.23. In the last paragraph, what does the author suggest that we should do?A. Associate with listeners. B. Make musical speeches.C. Learn poems by heart. D. Use words skillfully.BSome people are pessimistic (悲观 ) when they think about t

17、he future. They say that, a hundred years from now, we will have used up most of the earths resources. We will have polluted our seas badly, and be unable to eat fish from them. We will have made air so dirty that we will need to wear masks. The worlds pollution will have doubled, and we will have u

18、sed all the countryside for housing; there will be no farmland left.Other people believe that man adapts very easily. They have a different idea of the future. 高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 However, in their views, will people be living in a hundred years time?One ar

19、chitect believes that man will move off the land. He suggests that the city of the future will be a huge, pyramid-shaped building, which will be floating on the surface of the sea. About 5,000 families will be living there, and the building will contain shops and schools as well as homes. By living

20、on the sea, we will give the farmers more land to grow crops.As for oil, people will no longer need it: we will be heating our homes with power from the sun. And we will not be short of minerals, because there are plenty under our oceans. At the moment, we do not have the technology to get them out.

21、 But, in a hundred years time, the optimists say, the new sea cities will be using these resources.What will be in the shops in the year 3000? What will people be wearing? How will people be traveling?Scientists who make predictions about the future suggest that, by the year 3000, shops will no long

22、er exist. Computers will have replaced them; and people will order goods from home.People will be wearing very light, thin clothes. By this time, scientists will have invented a fabric that keeps us cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.As for travel, the experts say that most people will be

23、using public transport. Electric cars will be traveling through the streets day and night. Anybody will be able to stop one and use it.An interesting picture! Unfortunately, we will not be there to see if these predictions come true.24. Pessimists believe that in the future _. A. well have used up a

24、ll the resources.B. seas and oceans will be full of houses.C. we will not have fish to eat from the seas.D. we will have polluted the air so badly that it will be impossible for us to breathe.25. Scientists have made the predictions EXCEPT _.A. electric cars will be going along the streets continuou

25、slyB. people will order goods from homeC. people wont suffer from cold any longer D. the resources under the oceans will never be used up26. What does the underlined word in the seventh paragraph refer to?A. a kind of tool B. a kind of energy C. a kind of cloth D. a kind of resource27. We can learn

26、from the article that _.A. we should be optimistic about the futureB. we should be pessimistic about the futureC. we shouldnt think too much about the futureD. we have no idea of what will happen in the futureC高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 “Cleverness is a gift while

27、 kindness is a choice. Gifts are easytheyre given after all. Choices can be hard.” Jeff Bezos I got the idea to start Amazon 16 years ago. I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year. Id never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast, and the idea of bui

28、lding an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me. I had just turned 30 years old, and Id been married for a year. I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to quit my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldnt work since most start-ups dont, and I wasnt sure what t

29、o expect. MacKenzie told me I should go for it. As a young boy, Id been a garage inventor. Id always wanted to be an inventor, and she wanted me to follow my passion.I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people, and I had a brilliant boss that I much admired.

30、I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, “That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didnt already have a good job.” T

31、hat logic made some sense to me, and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours before making a final decision. Seen in that light, it really was a difficult choice, but finally, I decided I had to give it a shot. I didnt think Id regret trying and failing. And I suspected I would always be haun

32、ted by a decision to not try at all.After much consideration, I took the less safe path to follow my passion, and Im proud of that choice. For all of us, in the end, we are our choices.28. What inspired the author with the idea of building an online bookstore?A. The greatly increasing usage of the I

33、nternet. B. The support of his wife.C. Millions of exciting titles. D. His dream of being an inventor.29. We can know from the passage that _.A. the author might not regret if he failed the ideaB. the boss thought the idea was suitable for the authorC. the author wanted someone else to try the ideaD

34、. the author might go back to his boss if he failed30. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?A. He would be very excited if he tried it out.B. He would be always having a doubt if he didnt try.C. The decision to not try the online bookstore would terrify him.D. The

35、idea of not trying would keep coming to his mind and disturb him.31. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Cleverness and Kindness B. We Are What We Choose C. The Starting of Amazon D. Following My Passion第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多高考

36、资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 余选项。(请把答案填写在第二卷相应的空格里)What will man be like in the future? How about in 5, 000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today._32_Lets give an example.

37、 Man, even 500 years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on the average, men are about three inches taller. 500 years is a relatively short period of time, so we may guess that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use

38、 of only about 20% of the brains capacity(容量). As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and moreand finally we shall need even larger ones! _33_ The head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger._34_ In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we ha

39、ve to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that mans eyes will grow stronger. On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. _35_ At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.But what ab

40、out hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! _36_

41、 He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.A. This probably brings about mental changes.B. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use.C. In spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us.D. This is likely to bring about physical changes,

42、 too.E. Thats because man is slowly changing all the time. F. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker.G. As a result, future man will have little in common with us.第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分 53 分)第一节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My attitud

43、e towards Mrs White, my English teacher, began to change after one afternoon. It was raining heavily and I didnt go to _37_.Then after school was over, I received a call. “Are you all right?” said someone in a quiet voice. Immediately I _38_ that it was Mrs White, I became nervous and prepared to ex

44、cuse myself for my _39_ from school. “Yes?” I replied, voice trembling.高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南、北京、山西,欢迎投稿、合作、qq:2355394557 。 She continued, “You see, it was raining cats and dogs. I was _40_ that an accident _41_ have happened on your way to school. _42_ you are OK .” On hearing her words,

45、I was _43_ and my heart was flooded with _44_ feelings. She was showing her _45_ for me _46_ I had not been nice to her! Why? Was she just acting? Or should I stick to the past misunderstanding?Before I had never _47_ how to respect and understand her. I once _48_ the answer she gave to a question,

46、and even asked, “Are you sure? Have you asked other teachers about it?” How embarrassing that must have been _49_ her! Still she explained the point patiently.Also, I believed that I could do well in English without a good teacher, which _50_ me to work like a dog. _51_ I was getting on well with it

47、, I became conceited (自负的). But it was her who made me less _52_ teachers.The more I reflected, the more _53_ I felt. If she could see past my faults, then why couldnt I try to _54_ hers? If a teacher really cares about her students and work, that is enough.Now, I am _55_ in class again and I grab (抢) any chance to practice. It was her tolerance (宽容) that removed all the _56_.37. A. her lecture B. her office C. school D. hospital38. A. recognized B. h


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