饮用水除砷技术现状及展望来源:网络 发布日期:2006-07-23浏览次数:15568摘要:介绍饮用水含砷对人体的危害,饮用水去除砷的重要性,着重介绍了目前用于除砷的技术及其优缺点,最后展望了除砷技术今后的发展趋势。关键词:饮用水 除砷技术 混凝 吸附 离子交换 展望Present situation and Prospects of Arsenic Removal Techniques in Potable WaterXu DaweiAbstract:The harmfulness of potable water contaminated by arsenic and the importance of arsenic removal are introduced in this article. The various present methods of arsenic removal, advantages and disadvantages are emphasized. In the end