烟气扩散的数值模拟及分析王祥 魏昌兴(中国矿业大学 电力工程学院,江苏 徐州,221116)摘要:针对受限空间中烟气的释放,运用FLUENT软件对其输运和扩散过程进行了数值模拟,得到烟气浓度的时空分布,并分析了不同影响因素对烟气扩散的影响。关键词:受限空间;扩散;数值模拟;浓度分布The Numerical Study On Diffusion Of Fume In Limited SpaceAbstract:The article simulated the transportation and diffusion of fume released in limited space with FLUENT code and showed the concentration contour maps of fume with time and space and the velocity vector distribution,and then studied deep into the influence of different influencin