基于SA4828的变频器设计徐 志 跃(北京航空航天大学 电工电子中心, 北京100083)摘要:本文介绍了利用大规模专用集成电路SA4828设计变频器的方法。内容包括:SA4828的特性介绍及变频器的主电路、驱动电路、隔离电源、保护电路、速度检测、调速系统等部件的设计方法。关键词:变频调速、正弦脉宽调制、智能功率模块Design of Inverter Based on SA4828 for AC MotorXu Zhiyue(Electrical & Electronic Center, Beihang University, Beijing 100083)Abstract: A method how to make use of the special LSIC SA4828 to design an inverter for AC motor driver is raised in this paper. The contents including the characteristics of SA4828, the main circuit