用英文巧妙回复SCI期刊编辑信件 众所周知,外审专家对于文章的主要批评意见是非常重要的,因此作者对于这些意见的回复也是尤为关键。本文就如何用英文就其意见进行回复做一下简单说明: 1、In reply to the referees main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that 您的回复:外审专家对于表1中xxx所提出的问题现已改正。而后面的一些小改动则不会影响文章对结果的解释。One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1 has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3,paragraph 1(line 3-8)and 2(line 6-11).These do not affect our interpreta