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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 2015 届衡水点睛金榜大联考语文本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。第 I 卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 5 分,满分 7 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。l

2、. Why was the man late?A Because he got up lateBBecause n rained hardC Because he was caught in a traffic jam2.What are the speaker a talking about?A. Their income last yearBTheir life levelC. Their pay rise 3.What does the man mean?A. He enjoys watching the new TV programB. His wife enjoys watching

3、 the new TV program.C. He often quarrels with his wife about the TV program.4.What will the speakers buy for their mothers birthday?APerfumeB.A novel.CA cooking book5.Where are the speakers?A. At a bankBIn a restaurant.CIn a supermarket第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22 .5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所

4、给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. How did the woman lose weight?A. She went on a healthy dietB. She ate fruits before mealsC. She did a lot of exercise7.What does the man suggest doing?A

5、 .Buying cheaper foodB. Bringing food from homeC. Setting up a healthy food club听第 7 段材料,回答第 8.9 题。8.How do you think the woman treated Smith?A .PolitelyB. RudelyC .Carelessly9.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Passenger and conductorB. Customer and receptionistC. Teacher and studen

6、t.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What are they planning to do the next day?A. Go hikingB. Play cardsC. Have a picnic.11. Where will they probably stay for the night?A. At a hotelBAt home.C. At the campsite12.What kind of person is the man?A. Cautious.B. CarelessC. Considerate.13. What is Bob?A. A bus dr

7、iver.B. A taxi driver.C. A truck driver.14. Whats happened to the lady passenger?A. She is haying a heart disease. B. She has been hit by a car.C. She is having a baby.15. Where is Bobs car stopped at present?A. On the freeway.B. In the Washington Tunnel.C. Beside the golden buildings.高考资源网() 您身边的高考

8、专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 16.What is Bob trying to do?A. Get someone else to stop to help him.B. Tell someone else to protect hint. C. Ask someone else to leave him.17.Why are you good at languages?A. Because you already speak one language well.B. Because you already learn to speak a second language.C. Becau

9、se you can speak to foreigners very well.18. What are you sure to do if you learn to speak one language well?A. Learn one foreign language easily.B. Learn to speak several languages fluently.C. Learn to speak one or more other languages.19. How old are you when you start to speak your mother tongue?

10、A. About 2 0r 3 years.B. More than 3 years.C. No more than 2 years. 20.Whats the advice of the speaker?A. Learning to speak one foreign language.B. Listening to English as much as possible.C Speaking one language in an English - speaking country第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文

11、,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When you get a job interview, it is the chance that you impress them employer and prove you really are the right person for the job. The following key points may he the important steps you can take to ensure you make a good impression from the get-goBe Pre

12、paredResearch the company thoroughly before the job interview. Read through the company website to gain a thorough understanding of what“ doest its values, clients or audience and any technologies it uses. You should also Google the company and read any press releases. Note important issues or point

13、s you can discuss at the interview. Take copies of the job description with you to the interview. Dont he afraid of showing off, you can bet the other candidates wont be holding back!Interview QuestionsAll this preparation work will go a long way to helping you for questions you might be asked durin

14、g the interview. As well as preparing for the standard questions, you also need to come up with relevant questions to ask the interviewer about the company and your role. You may want to ask something along the lines of “whats it like to work here?“,“what are the career prospects l like?“Timekeeping

15、Plan your route in advance and make a dry run to the interview location a few days beforehand to make sure youre clear on where youre going. Print out directions and maps 高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 from sites like Google Maps and make sure you should he there without any problemsAfter the Interv

16、iewIf youre unsuccessful, use it as an opportunity to improve. Ask for feedback from the interviewer. This will improve your future interview success chances; the interviewer might consider you for future vacancies at the company based on this action alone21. What should you do at a job interview?A.

17、 Recognize who is the right employerB. Have a good impression of the employerC. Find a chance to show your talent offD .Impress the employer with good behavior.22. Which question can you ask the interview?A. What interests you when you work?B. What is the information about your clients?C. What is th

18、e promising future of the company?D. What advice will you offer to the interviewees?23.It can be inferred form the passage that_.A. the interviewer can help you through the back doorB. a polite attitude can help you find a way outc. it is impossible to get a job at the first interviewD. it is import

19、ant to keep cautious about an interviewBFor years, I thought that my mother would become a Centenarian (百岁老人) , but after 98 years and eight months, she recently died of old age. As it was with my father, her funeral took place in the most peaceful setting of the countryside of rural Washington Coun

20、ty. Even after my father died, we continued to think of our parents as one. They were a team in the traditional sense. Church and family were their life- lines. They worked hard, never complaining. They expected to earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brow.Once during a conversation with Tom

21、 Brokaw, who wrote the best- selling hook The Greatest Generation , I told him, “You left out my parents. “ They didnt go off to war, but they belonged to the Greatest Generation. They, too, were part of the foundation that made America trulygreat. They kept the home fires burning.Our mother gloried

22、 in being a housewife and mother. Having been a teacher in her early adult years, when education was more important than anything else, she gave up her job to raise a family .She was an excellent cook, but she had to cook on a wood stove. There was no refrigerator, nothing electric. But nobody was e

23、ver better at making do. In addition to all the household chores and responsibilities, she went to the fields every day to help produce a crop to pay the rent and to provide for the family. She and my dad worked hard to save every penny possible.They saved ever7 penny to buy a farm late in life. The

24、y also saved enough money to live out their respective live with home care without taking up residency in a nursing home. They were fiercely independent. If you had suggested they accept a government transfer payment, theywould have spit in your eye.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 24. Which of the fo

25、llowing is the hest title for the passage?A. Mother played a great pan in the family.B. Mother died at the age of 98 years old.C. Mother was buried by the side of father.D. Mother survived father by many yean.25. The underlined part “one“ in the passage means_ .A. parent B. Centenarian C. hero D. en

26、tirety26. What do we know about Tom Brokaw? .A. He is one of the authors parents friends.B. He likes talking with the authors parents.C. He takes up a position as a writer.D. He is good at managing a home.27. How does the author find his parents?A. Brave and hardworking.B. Modest and warmhearted.C.

27、Economical and independent. D. Respective and satisfied.CYou may have heard that a young man named Abner Doubleday invented the game known as baseball in Cooperstown, New York, during the summer of 1839. Doubleday then went on to become a Civil War hero, while baseball became Americas beloved nation

28、al pastime. Not only is that story untrue, its not even in the ballpark( place for baseball).Doubleday was still at West Point in 1839, and he never claimed tohave anything to do with baseball.In 1907, a special commission(委员会) created by the sportinggoods merchant and former major league player A.

29、J. Spalding used weak evidence-namely the claims of one man, mining engineer Abner Graves-to come up with the Doubleday origin story. Cooperstown businessmen and major league officials would rely on the myths lasting power in the 1930s, when they established the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Mu

30、seum in the village.As it turns out, the real history of baseball is a little more complicated than the Doubleday legend. References to games resembling(相似) baseball in the United States date hack to the 18th century .its most direct ancestors appear to be two English games: rounder a( a childrens g

31、ame brought to New England by the earliest colonists) and cricket. By the time of the American Revolution, variations(演变) of such games were being played on schoolyards and college campuses across the country. They became even more popular in newly industrialized cities wheremen sought work in the m

32、id-19th century-.In September 1845, a group of New York City men founded the New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club .One of them would make a new set of rules that would form the basis for modern baseball.Cartwrights changes made the game faster-paced and more challenging from older games like cricket

33、. In 1846, the Knickerbockers : played the first official game of baseball against a team of cricket players, beginning a new, uniquely American tradition.28. What can we know according to the first paragraph? .A. Baseball was really invented by Abner Doubleday.B, Abner Doubleday fought against slav

34、es in the Civil War.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 C. Doubleday stayed at West Point for some reason.D. Doubleday said he had much to do with baseball.29. Why did the Doubleday origin story come up?A. Because a special commission was founded.B. Because Doubleday provided false evidence.C. Because Ab

35、ner Craves told a Doubleday story.D. Because Abner Craves worked with Doubleday.30. The real history of baseball is _A. much simpler than the Doubleday legendB. that baseball comes from two English gamesC. that a childrens game came from New EnglandD. more interesting than rounder and cricket31.1t c

36、an be infened from the passage that_A. Doubleday is the most respected in the USAB. Doubleday must have been an army officerC. Doubleday in fact came from BritainD. Doubleday invented rounder and cricketDFort Scott High School English teacher Emily Rountree has been working this semester to raise mo

37、ney for Charity Water, a nonprofit organization , which uses 100 percent of public donations to help fund water projects in places without access to clean drinking water. Her goal was to motivate her students to use their writing in class to make a real world difference. Twelve students got top grad

38、es on the project and their articles will be published in the Tribune and online. The money from their writing is of great help.“Did you know that there are many countries around the world that dont have access to safe drinking water? Just think, that could be your someone in your family. in my Engl

39、ish three classes, we are trying to .raise money for Charity Water. Charity Water is 3n organization that helps people get water in countries where there is no safe drinking water“ , said Tanner Johnson, a student attending Fort Scott High School. clean drinking water. In Africa alone, people spend

40、40 billion hour every year just walking for water .Women and children are the ones that mainly do the walking. They could he attacked, or get hurt. Whenever they get home the water that they have brought home is unsafe water that. has been in swamps, ponds, or rivers .if they had safe drinking water

41、 they wouldnt have that to worry about and they wouldnt be wasting hours of their day. Unsafe drinking water causes many different kinds of diseases that could lead to death.You could help save someones life by donating $ 20 so you could help get them some safe drinking water. You can easily donate

42、online . at, mycharitywater. org/fshsenglish, or you can send a check payable to Fort Scott High School to Emily Rountree .if you dont help these people then who will?32. Emily Rountree is working for Charity water _A. to set up a nonprofit organization about waterB. to help discover where clean dri

43、nking water isc. to find access to using the public donations高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 D. to encourage her students to help those in need33. How can the students bring differences to the world?A. By donating all their pocket money.B. By collecting money in their spare time.C. By giving away the

44、ir money from writing.D. By conducting themselves well in class.34. What does the third paragraph imply? A. Africa is lacking in water resources.B. Women do nothing but getting water.C. People in Africa live a hard life.D. Rivers in Africa have been polluted.35.1t can he inferred from the last parag

45、raph that _A. only a few people participate in the donationB. it is easy to lend a hand to those in need C. staff at the website will collect money D. it is convenient to pay off your check根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A strong vocabulary helps develop understanding, communication ,and reading ability. _36 Consider the following tips on helping your ch


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