肉(肉制品)呈(变)色机理及其影响因素徐江林(南昌泰康食品科技有限公司 330100)摘要:肉及肉制品的呈色(变色)的机理:肉之所以呈现红色主要是含有肌红蛋白,肌红蛋白的二价铁离子氧化为三价铁离子而致使肉及肉制品的变色。其变色主要跟温度、PH值、氧金属离子及其中所添加添加剂等有关。关键词:肉、呈色、机理、因素Abstract:This text systematically discusses the theory that meat(meat productions) shows the meat color and change the color: because meat and meat productions is make of Myoglobin(Mb),and Mb is fuchsia, so they show the meat color. They change the color is because the Fe2+ of Mb became Fe3+.The change connect whit temperature、