瘦人瘦相 That lean and Hungry look中英文对照(今天在一本书发现的幽默美文,觉得很好,回来搜了贴出来) 来源: 高菲的日志 作者:Susan Britt Jord 凯撒说得好。瘦子值得注意。我成年之后化了大半时光观察瘦子。对他们却没有产生丝毫喜爱之情。只要一群身形狭窄的人们向我走来,我全身都会颤栗。瘦子的性格千奇百怪,但他们的共同点是不讨人喜欢,爱挖苦人。他们有的是“全能超人”,不懂装懂,有的机械呆板,有的盛气凌人,有的喋喋不休,有的风风火火,急于求成。瘦子总让人感到危险。 Caesar was right. Thin people need watching. Ive been watching them for most of my adult life, and I dont like what I see. When these narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes. Thin people come in all personalities, mo