Friends/friendship赵云:Hey,my dear roommates!(愁眉苦展) 嗨!我亲爱的室友!Lisha,周,章:Hey,zhaoyun! 嗨!赵云!丽萨:Are you ok 你还好吗?赵:Yeah,Im fine.The teacher arranged about the composition of friends or friendship.I think as a saying says at home we count on parents,staying out we count on friends.That means nobody is utterly independent in the world . What do you think about friends or friendship.哎,我还好。老师布置了关于朋友或友谊的作文。我想到一句古话说“在家靠父母,在外靠朋友”。这意味着世界上没有人是完全独立的。你们怎么看待朋友和友谊?章:From my point