实用文档桌子 table 椅子chair 沙发sofa 地板floor 地图map 茶几门door 镜框 picture frame 镜子 mirror 冰箱refrigerator、fridge、freezer 电饭煲 electric rice cooker 电费 charges for electricity 电风扇 electric fan 电视 television、TV set 电视剧 TV play 电熨斗 electric iron 微波炉microwave书柜 bookcase 书架 bookshelf窗户 window 窗纱 window screening 窗台 windowsill 窗框 window frame 窗帘(window)curtain 窗花 paper-cut 床 bed 床单 sheet 床垫 mattress 床罩 bedspread/counterpan 床头 beside、the head of a bed 床头柜 be