A Days WaitADCBC TTTTTThe Open WindowCADAD TFTTFBringing Up ChildrenADCDC TFTTFAmerican Social RelationsBDBBB FTTFFNew ApplicationsACCBA TTFTTThe Wrong HouseDDBBB TTTTTArt for Hearts SakeCBDDD FTFTFThe LuncheonBDDDB FTTFTCinderellaCBBAA TFFTTThe NecklaceDDDAD TFTTTLady in the DarkBADBC TTFTTThree Days to SeeCABDC FTTFFTrue LoveADABD FTFTFThe Time MachineDBABB TTFTTThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyBBCDA TTTFTHow to Avoid th