海南省文昌中学2014-2015学年高一6月月考英语试题 Word版缺答案.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 文昌中学高一年级时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)。第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节:(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the woman mean?AThey had better see who is winning.BThe

2、game began some time ago.CNow it is a good time to start playing.2What does the woman like?AFootball. BTable tennis. CBasketball.3What does the man mean about Betty?AShe doesnt like going swimming.BShe went swimming yesterday.CShe prefers swimming to studying.4What is close to the womans new house?A

3、An airport. BA railway. CA bus station.5When will the speak ers meet?AAt 7:00. BAt 7:30. CAt 8:00.第二节:(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听 每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。6What did the man hea

4、r about the Browns?AThey have been ill.BThey have moved.CThey have gone to see the doctor.7What do we know about the Browns?AThey loved to live near the airport.BThey liked to take the sleeping pills.CThey couldnt sleep well.8Where are the Browns living now?AIn the country.BNear the airport.CIn the

5、city center.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。9What happened when the man was climbing mountains?AHe got trapped in a cave.BHe got lost in bad weather.CHe lost his equipment and food.10What caused the loss of the mans legs?ALow temperature.BA bad fall in the mountain.CAn unsuccess

6、ful operation.11What did the man decide to do after losing his legs?ADesign new climbing shoes.BSet up a club for the disabled.CUse technology to fight his disability.听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12What happens to the man?AHe is out of work.来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|KBHe has hurt his leg.CHe finds a new job.13What d

7、o you think Puerto Rico is?AThe name of the mans uncle.BThe name of an island.CThe name of a mountain.14Where did the woman grow up?AIn the country.来源:学科网 ZXXKBIn Puerto Rico.CIn the city.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 18 题。15Where did the woman find $150?AIn a corner. BIn a shop. CIn the street.16What does the

8、man think of the woman?AHonest. BCareful. CFriendly.17Why was the man uncomfortable?AThe goods were very bad.BSomeone had stolen his money.CHe had no money to buy the goods.18Which of the following is mentioned?ASleeping bags.BTents.CGuide books.听第 10 段材料,回答第 19 至 20 题。19What can we learn from the s

9、peaker?AThe stateowned campgrounds cannot meet the growing number of campers.BThe private campgrounds charge less than the public ones.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 CIn the US,most campgrounds are privately owned.20What does the speaker mainly talk about?AThe problems of running th e national parks

10、.BHow states can have their own campgrounds.CNew campgrounds give more people a chance to camp.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节:(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AI live in Hollywood.You may think people in such an attractive,funfilled place are happier than others.If so,you hav

11、e some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun.The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common.Fun is what we experience during an act.Happiness is what we experience after an act.It is a deeper,more longlasting emotio

12、n.Going to an amusement park or ball game,watching a movie or television,are fun activities that help us relax,temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh.But they do not bring happiness,because their positive effects end when the fun ends.I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a

13、 role to play,it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun.These rich,beautiful individuals have constant access to exciting parties,fancy cars,expensive homes,everything that spells “happiness” But in memoir(回忆录) after memoir,celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all thei

14、r fun: depression,alcoholism,drug addiction,broken marriages,troubled children,and longtime loneliness.The way people hold on to the belief that a funfilled,painfree life equates happiness actually decreases their chances of ever attaining real happiness.If fun and pleasure are equated with happines

15、s,then pain must be equated with unhappiness.But,in fact,the opposite is true: More times than not,things that lead to happiness involve some pain.As a result,many people avoid the very efforts that are the source of true happiness.They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage,rai

16、sing children,professional achievement,religious commitment,charitable work and selfimprovement.21According to the passage, “fun activities” _Aare the things we do before we find happinessBmay help us relax and forget our problems sometimesCwill lead us to the true happinessDcould provide longlast p

17、ositive effects22In the authors opinion,those Hollywood stars _Apossess happiness because they are rich and famousBexperience almost all kinds of happy things高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 Ctell us happiness isnt equal to fun using their own storiesDhave to suffer a lot before they become successful

18、23It is difficult for people to find real happiness because _Athey believe happiness is the fun life without painBthey find pain equals unhappinessCthey fear to lose what they already have in lifeDThey are afraid all their efforts were in vain24The main purpose of the text is to _Adescribe the diffe

19、rence between happiness and funBshow the true meaning of happinessCencourage people to pursue fun activitiesDadvise people to find their real lifeB2014 Walk ScheduleMay 19Pine Lake ParkJoin Sammamish Heritage Society members Nan Gordon and Steve Thues for a onemile walk through Pine Lake Park.Learn

20、about local history and about Pine Lakes geologic origins as you move along the trails(小道) around the lake,cross wetlands and cut through thick woods.June 16Evans Creek PreserveWalk along 2.6 miles of trails that move through gentle land and provide beautiful scenery of open grasslands and wetlands.

21、City of Sammamish Project Manager Kellye Hilde will lead us through this newlydeveloped 179acre preserve.July 21Grand Ridge ParkJoin us for a twomile walk in Grand Ridge Park.We will follow a trail that cuts through the thick forest.Wear stable walking shoes and bring your questions about native pla

22、nts.This walk is intended as an introduction to the Grand Ridge trail system.August 25Beaver Lake PreserveJoin Parks Commissioner Brad Conner and Audbon member Janice King for a 1.2mile walk through one of our leastvisited city parks.This 67acre forest is home to a varicty of wildlife,including wood

23、 ducks(林鸳鸯) and the northern redlegged frog.September 15Hazel Wolf Wetlands PreserveNaturalists Ann and Fred Weinmann return to Sammamish to lead this walk around the Hazel Wolf Wetlands.The Weinmans take great efforts to preserve this H6acre habitat and will share their knowledge of plants and wild

24、life.During the 1.6 miles of trails around the wetlands,well cross a wooden bridge and stop at a wetland viewing platform.October 20Soaring Eagle Regional ParkWith 640 acres and almost 13 miles of trails,every walk through Soaring Eagle is a new experience.Our guide.Randay Jackson,knows every turn i

25、n this 高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 complex trail system and he will stop from time to time to explain the trail markers,talk about widlife and discuss the origins of this 640 acre King County Park.25Participants of the Pine Lake Park walk and the Evans Creek Preserve walk will _ Aenjoy wetlands B

26、cut through forestsCbe led by naturalists Dcover a trail of 2 miles26Whats the purpose of the Grand Ridge Park walk?ATo help people learn about local history.BTo give people an idea of the trail system.CTo let people learn about the native plants.DTo call on people to preserve the natural habitat.27

27、People who walk the longest trail of the six will be guided by _AKellye Hilde BJanice KingCthe Weinmanns DRandy JacksonCMarch 22,2011 Most restaurants in the United States offer their customers a glass of tap water at no charge with their meal,but this week many restaurants are asking dinners to pay

28、 a dollar,or more,for a glass of water.Cards on their tables explain that this small amount helps bring clean water to children around the world.Its called the UNICEF Tap Project.“UNICEFs Tap Project is really all about bringing attention to the fact that over 900 million people around the globe do

29、not have access to good,clean,healthy drinking water, ” says Cary Stem,who heads the US Fund for UNICEF.She adds that waterborne illness is the secondhighest cause of preventable childhood death in the world.“Each and every day approximately 4,100 children die just because they dont have that access

30、 4,100 every single day.”The public service campaign encourages people to help change that statistic with a simple,affordable action: paying a dollar to get a glass of tap water at a restaurant.“One dollar buys enough good,clean water for a child for 40 days, ” Stem says.“The tap project has expande

31、d since it began five years ago with 300 restaurants in New York City.This year,Stem says,about 3,000 restaurants across the country are participating in the campaign.We raised about MYM2.5 million over the last five years of this campaign, ” says Stem.“Last year,we raised over MYM1 million for the

32、first time.This year were hoping to top that.”Stem credits the continued success of the campaign to an army of volunteers who support the tap project and raise money in their communities.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 The UNICEF Tap Project is promoting its efforts with a simple motto: when you take

33、 water,give water.Currently,UNICEF works in more than 100 countries around the world to improve access to safe water and sanitation facilities in schools and communities.Stem hopes that,by participating in the project,more Americans will realize that what they often take for granted is a precious an

34、d scarce resource in many other parts of the world.28Restaurants began to charge for tap water to _Aincrease their profit Burge customers to save waterCraise peoples awareness of the world water problemDcollect money for those without access to safe water29We can learn from the text that the Tap Pro

35、ject _Abegan in New York CityBwas started by volunteersCis hoping to collect MYM2.5 million this year Dprovides help for 1,000 countries in the world30It can be learned that _Athe Tap Project began in 2006 BAmerica suffers a serious problemC4,100 children die of water pollution every yearDwaterborne

36、 illnesses are the biggest killer of children31How does Cary Stem feel about the work of the Tap Project?AConcerned BHopefulCDisappointed DAngryDWhat is so different about Moisture Surge?These hydrating formulas (保湿配方) rapidly make thirsty skin smooth and soft.Oilfree and fit for all skin types,they

37、 help:Quickly increase skins moisture level with hydrating relief in a highspeed delivery system; Restore skins moisture balance;Make up dry lines.Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief Rapid,longlasting hydration in a refreshing oilfree gel(胶)Fastabsorbing formula locks in moisture all day and helps

38、 skin better resist dry despite great shifts in humidity.Use whenever,wherever needed,under or over makeup,or as a 5minute moisture mask(面膜)Moisture Surge Face Water Thirsty Skin ReliefRefreshing facial water.Great for use anytime,anywhere,under or over makeup.Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye GEL

39、Cool and comfortable eye gel.Doctortested.Use whenever needed,under or over makeup.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究 Moisture Surge Facial Sheet MaskRefreshing,premoistened fullface sheet mask.Apply 12 times a week for a quick moisturizing.To use: unfold and apply to clean skin.Rest for 10 minutes,and

40、then remove the mask.Moisture Surge Refreshing Eye MaskRefreshing premoistened eye pads(垫)Apply 12 times a week to reduce undereye puffiness(肿) and skin with quick hydration.To use: remove pads from packets and separate.Apply to clean undereye skin.Rest for 10 minutes,and then remove pads.Moisture S

41、heer Tint 15Refreshing,wash of color that hydrates and makes skin bright with special materials and SPF 15 sunscreen.Three skinfriendly shades wear beautifully alone or under makeup.WARNING: keep out of eyes.Stop use if any pain occurs.Keep out of reach of children.Please pay attention to:stands for

42、 “Not available in all countries.”32According to the passage,Moisture Surge is the name of _Aa product of eyesBan oilfree formulaCa sunblocking creamDa series of skin care products33What do we kn ow about Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye Gel and Moisture Surge Refreshing Eye Mask?AThey can be use

43、d at any time.BThey may be good for eyes.CThey are a kind of gel.DThey have been tested on doctors.34Which of the following products can NOT be used over makeup?AMoisture Surge Face Water Thirsty Skin ReliefBMoisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye Gel.CMoisture Surge Extended Thirsty ReliefDMoisture She

44、er Tint 15.35How many products mentioned in the passage can be bought all over the world?ATwo BFour CSix DEight第二节:(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Africa is a very diverse land with many different tribes.One tradition that many of these groups share is painting or marking their bodies and faces in color.They do this for many reasons.Some marks are used to identify people as part of a group._36_Lets look at some different examples


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