论中西方称谓的文化差异Cultural Differences between East and West in kinship terms 摘 要语言是文化的载体 ,称谓不仅是一种语言现象 ,更是一种文化现象,它从一个侧面反映了东西方文化的差异。文章将中英称谓语分为亲属称谓和社会交际称谓,并分别从家庭结构和血统观念、社会制度和文化传统、等级制度、宗教信仰和价值观、宗法观念、礼貌原则等文化角度审视了这两种称谓在汉语和英语中的差异并揭示其中所隐含的文化意蕴。Abstract: Language is the carrier of culture , kinship term is not only a part of language but also a kind of culture. The differences between English and Chinese kinship terms reflect the cultural differences between East and West to some extend. This artic