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1、1希望英语第一册期末考试试卷(06 级用)A 卷班别: 学号: 姓名: I. Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the bracket. (10%)1. You can talk to the person (share) the dorm room with you. 2. We are going to be meeting each other on a regular _ (base).3. Without computers, we _ (not make) the great progress

2、in the last decades.4. Older people do not like their plans to (upset) by something unexpected. 5. The plane has been kept in service far longer than _ (origin) planned. 6. Parents who often use physical punishment seem to love their children but tend (be) less patient than other parents.7. The (qui

3、ckly) you learn the code words, the less likely you are to make mistakes.8. The speaker only had a (limit) amount of time to make his points understood by the audience.9. (be) a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling.10. The old couple decide to move from the noisy downtown to th

4、e countryside because they wanted very much to lead a (n) (relax) life.II. Choose the right answer: (20 %)1. Boarding card A. 身份证2. Business card B. 名片3. ID card C. 登机卡4. Credit card D. 信用卡5. unique A. agree to6. qualify B. being the only one of its type7. approve C. good or better in quality or val

5、ue, etc.8. superior D. make fit for a position or purpose nothing 9. Get along with roommates A. 归结为一个问题10. Blame someone for his failure B. 与世隔绝11. Cut off from the world C. 与室友相处12. Boil down to one question D. 因失败责备某人13.( )双语教学 A. interactive teaching14. ( ) 互动教学 B. Hope Project15. ( ) 教与学 C. bil

6、ingual teaching16. ( ) 希望工程 D. teaching & learning217.( )空调 A. Focus Interview18.( )求职咨询 B. Job-seeking Advice19.( )网吧 C. Air-conditioner20.( )焦点访谈 D. Cyber cafIII. Vocabulary and Structure: (30 %)21. In winter this small town is often from the outside world by heavy snowfalls.A. cut off B. cut back

7、 C. cut out D. apart22. Hand in your papers when you the test. A. will finish B. have finished C. will have finished D. are finishing23. These apples are those I bought at the supermarket yesterday.A. more superior to B. superior than C. superior to D. more superior than24. Every year there are repo

8、rts of people dying extremely hot weather.A. in the end of B. as a result of C. in front of D. instead of25. He speaks English, but not his sister does.A. as good as B. so good as C. so well like D. as well as26. The early pioneers had to many hardships to settle on the new land.A. go along with B.

9、go back on C. go through D. go into27. The more difficult the problems are, to be able to solve them.A. the less I am likely B. the less likely I am C. the likely less I am D. I am less likely28. A professor, along with some students, now working in the new laboratory.A. is B. were C. are D. was29._

10、 he realized it was too late to return home.A. No sooner it grew dark when B. Hardly it grew dark thanC. Scarcely it grew dark than D. It was not until dark that30. This is the house . A. in which Luxun lived in B. where Luxun had lived in C. in which Luxun lived D. Luxun lived in the house 31. The

11、manager was critical the way we were doing the work.A. at B. in C. of D. with32. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred me that I had forgotten my keys. A. on B. in C. at D. to33. She is in no this evening to go to the concert with you.A. feeling B. attitude C. spirit D. mood34. I dont want to

12、 eat here any longer: the food is bad but the price is .A. cheap B. excessive C. low D. excuse35. After the treatment, the patient seemed a little more this morning.A. live B. lively C. likely D. like36. He is of the two.3A. strong B. the strongest C. stronger D. the stronger37. The boy was seen bar

13、efooted.A. run away B. to be run away C. to run away D. running away38. She had her finger when she peeled an apple.A. cut B. being cut C. was cut D. cutting39. I was wondering whether you wanted to a film with me this evening.A. take up B. take down C. take in D. take with40. Of the two possible pl

14、ans I the first one.A. favors B. flat C. flavor D. favor41Any student in English can apply for membership.A) having a keen interest B) with a keen interesting C) who is keenly interesting D)when keenly interested 42. You most of the questions on the blackboard now if you had reviewed the lessons las

15、t night.A) could answer B) should answer C) could have answered D) would have answered43. I regret you that we are unable to offer you a job.A) informing B)to inform C) having informed D) inform44. What she said me that she was an honest girl . A) agreed B)convinced C)believed D)ensured45. is known

16、to the world , Alfred Nobel is a great Swedish inventor and industrialist.A) It B) As C) That D) Which46. The melting point of ice and the boiling point of water are the fixed points the centigrade scale is based.A) by which B) on which C) at which D) for which47. So far every means tried , but no s

17、atisfying result has come out yet.A) is B) has been C) are D) have been48. The family gave a dinner their parents golden wedding anniversary.A) in memory B) because of C) in honor of D) due to 49. Jack is not much of a football player, but when it maths, he is among the top three in our class.A) poi

18、nts to B) responds to C) refers to D) comes to 50. in Nanning for more than 15 years, he knew the city quite well.A) Living B) Lives C) Having lived D) LivedIV. Cloze: (10%)Once a group of tourist who were staying at a hotel in Birmingham were having dinner in the restaurant. Fish was 51 and whi1e t

19、hey were eating it some of them told interesting stories about finding pearls(珍珠)and other valuable things inside fish. 52 old gentleman, who had listened quietly 53 their conversation,rose and said: “Ive 4heard all your stories,and now Ill tell you one. When I was a young man I was working in a lar

20、ge importing (进口)company in New York. Before long,I fell in love with a pretty(漂亮的)young girl Very soon we were engaged(订婚的). But just two months before our marriage,I was suddenly sent(派送)to Birmingham 54 very important business. I left my sweetheart(恋人) ,promising to write 55 her.”“I was obliged (

21、被迫;不得不) to staying in Birmingham longer than I had expected. 56 last my work was done,and just before I left for home,I bought a beautiful and very expensive diamond ring(戒指) ,intending(试图)to give it to my sweetheart。 ” “ 57 my way to New York,I was looking through the morning newspaper when I saw 5

22、8 announcement(通告) of my sweethearts marriage with another. This made me so angry 59 I threw the ring overboard(向船外) 。A few days later, when I was eating a fish,I bit(咬)something 60 What do you think it was?”Now what do you think the old mans companions(同伴)would answer?And what would be the old mans

23、 own answer?51) Ataken B. fetched C. brought D. to bring52) AA B. The C. Some D. An53) A. for B. in C. to D. off54) Aat B. to C. on D. onto55) A in B. from C. like D. to56) A From B. At C. In D. On57) A. At B. Into C. On D. Away from58). A. an B. a C. the D. any59) A. than B. that C. as D. to60) A.

24、hard B. hardly C. hardness D. to be hardV. Reading Comprehension (20%)()The cocktail party is a curious American event. Millions of people follow this ritual every year, yet many complain about how awful or frightening it can be.For some, the cocktail party is a pleasant way of getting together with

25、 friends for a social evening of drinks, food and conversation. For others, it means spending time with strangers, talking about dull subjects, and viewing behavior that is often distasteful.At some point in the evening, one or more of the guests usually drinks too much and reaches the state of into

26、xication. Some people say or do things that may regret later. Most guests do not reach this stage. They simply loosen up, laugh, and become instant friends.Toward the end of the party, guests begin to leave, some with pleasant memories, and other with the beginnings of the headache that will soon be

27、come tomorrows hangover. Each drifts homeward knowing that next week it will be someone elses turn to host a cocktail party.61. Cocktail parties offer .A. pleasure B. drinks C. friends D. drinks, food and conversation562. Many people complain about how awful cocktail parties can be because .A. cockt

28、ail parties make people talk about dull subjects.B. cocktail parties make you see distasteful behavior.C. cocktail parties mean spending time with strangers to them.D. all of the above.63. Using context clues, we may infer that the word “intoxication” (Line 2, Para. 3) means “the condition of being

29、.”A. drunk B. relaxed C. unconscious D. poisoned64. Cocktail parties may be held . A. once a day B. once a week C. once a month D. once a year. 65. Which of the following statements is not true?A. The cocktail party is a curious social activity.B. People have different opinions towards cocktail part

30、ies.C. People enjoy talking to strangers in cocktail parties.D. Some guests may get drunk and do something wrong in cocktail parties.()Sports reach people in different ways and at various stages. For me, however, sports have always been a part of my life, a great part where I always felt the most co

31、mfortable. Even when I was a child, I found my time enjoyable jumping from tree to tree in the mountains, playing golf with my dad, and of course, playing basketball. Its hard to explain how important sports were to me when I grew up. Life is about how a person acts around people, first impressions,

32、 appearance, etc. you often hear people say they act differently around some people or theyre not as comfortable in certain situations. I can honestly say Im completely at home when Im playing sports. Its easy to feel relaxed in a situation when you are good at it.Sports were something that came nat

33、ural to me and helped to get a lot of the confidence I have today. The importance of sports to me., however, wasnt the confidence I have gained but the drive that it continues to give me. Sports push me to my limit, create goals for me to attain, and produce a love of something so pure and simple. T

34、hen theres the competition. I love to compete. I love to win. I love to dive for a loose ball, take the last second shot, etc. As an athlete, you live for those things. It may only be one shining moment, but its a moment youll never forget. Thats what makes sports great whether youre a man or a woma

35、n. 66. When he was a child, he enjoyed .A. long-jumpig B. high-jumping C. playing football D. playing golf67. What does the author mean by “Im completely at home when Im playing sports? (Lines 3-4, Para.2) A. It is only at home that I play sports. B. I feel very comfortable when I am playing sports.

36、 C. I prefer playing sports at home. D. Im relaxed when playing sports at home. 68. Which of the following is not the reason why sports are important to the author?6A. Sports produce something pure for him to love. B. Sports push him to do the best he can do. C. Sports helped him to be self-confiden

37、t. D. Sports create goals for him to attain.69. According to the writer, what do sports mean to athletes? A. Earning much money. B. Getting respect from people. C. Getting honor for the country. D. Competition and winning. 70. What is the best title of this passage? A. Sports Have Made Life More Mea

38、ningful. B. Sports Are Important to Everybody.C. Sports Are for Competition Only. D. Sports Have Been Part of My Life. ()There are many things that we can learn from a dog. Here is a short list:. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in yo

39、ur face to be pure joy. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. When its in your best interest, practice obedience. Let others know when theyve come into your place. Take naps and stretch before rising. Run, romp and play daily. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Be loyal. Never pretend to

40、be something you are not. If you want what lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a sh

41、ady tree. When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body. No matter how often you are scolded, dont buy into the guilt thing and poutrun right back and make friends. . Bond with your pack. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.71. Which of the following is not what we can learn from a

42、dog?A. Greet your beloved ones when they come back home. B. Be true to yourself.C. Enjoy a long walk. D. Bite him if someone comes into your place.72. In what aspect of our life can this spirit be used: “if you want what lies buried, dig until you find it”?A. entertainment B. research work C. health

43、 D. wealth73. What does the word “gusto” mean in “eat with gusto and enthusiasm”?7A. Enjoyment. B. anger C. dislike D. unwillingness74. If someone is having a bad day, what we can learn from a dog?A. Drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree B. Dance around and wag your entire body C. Be silent

44、, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. D. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.75. What is the best title for the passage?A. How to Make Friends with Dogs B. How to Train Your DogsC. Dogs and Human Nature D. What Can We Learn From Dogs(IV)The tango has probably traveled further and gone through more changes than almost any other dance. African slaves brought the tango to Haiti and Cuba in the 18th century. In Cuba, the tango was


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